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Assalamualaikum! My question is. During the month of Ramadan, then i did a dream in the night( about 4:00AM close to the end of FIJR and sperm come out), but I'm afraid to take a bath(since i got in janab) because we are in a cold season . So now that we are going out of the time what will i do. That's my question thanks to you.
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Can ladies enter and stay in Masjid during their monthly menses period, some are teaching in the Masjid
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What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a person who goes out of his home while s/he is in a state of Janaabah? How to convince him/her to stop this? How does his/her state of Janaabah affect others who are in the same place? .. More
I am married to a Muslim young man, praise be to Allaah. Sometimes, after having sexual intercourse I have to go out, with my husband of course, without performing Ghusl. I make Ghusl after coming back. Am I cursed for going out of the house in the state of Janaabah? Please advise. Thank you. .. More
Is it permissible for a man in a state of Janaabah to enter the mosque, not to pray but just to pass through it or listen to a lecture, after performing ablution? May Allaah reward and guide you. .. More
A man had a wet dream at night and when he woke up, he had no time to perform Ghusl for he had to go out very quickly to catch an exam, a train, or something important like that, and he did not perform the Morning Prayer. What should he do?
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Assalamu Alaikum, I heard that Jinns can kill human beings in Masjid if he enter the Masjid in impure state{ i.e without woo'du or if ghusl is fardh}. Is this right? Do it have any basis in Islam?.. More
Is it permissible for someone in a state of Janaabah to trim his hair before performing Ghusl? What is the evidence on that?.. More
Asalaam alaikum. Could you shed some light on the state of janaba quoted from the quran or hadith. If a individual is wearing jewellery during intercourse, does this become impure and need to be washed. Do clothes become impure if worn during intercourse or are they pure to pray in unless they have traces of impurity on them. Can a individual touch.. More
Is it permissible for me to sleep while in a state of illegal major impurity? .. More
Is it permissible to pluck out the hair of the armpit or to cut nails during menses, or does one have to purify them first? .. More
Is it permissible to cut nails or hair when in a state of major impurity? .. More
Sorry I did not include this in my previous question, it just came to my mind. If you are in a state of sexual impurity, for example, after a wet dream, are you allowed to listen to Quran? For instance, it happened to me that I need to make Ghusl, and I was in car with my friend, and he put on Quran, this happened twice, so I know that I am not allowed.. More
Someone told me that taking a bath at a night time is very sinful and wrong and Islam has told us not to do it. Please answer me I am confused. .. More
I have read Fataawa stating that is it Haraam to sit in the mosque while on menses, now women in my mosque come to Jum'ah, talks, or any other reasons, they sit in the prayer areas (alls the rooms are for prayers) even sat down one day in the men praying areas while having menses. Some also claim that it is Halaal for them to come (and sit in.. More
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