salam alaykom,r the brown small spots that a woman see b4 her period immediately and that she see only like 2 times per day are they considered period?or she should fats and pray on those days until she see the red blood?i have read a fatwa for Sheikh Qardawi saying that the blood of period is well known by it's smell and darkness and that the brown.. More
Why is it that a woman has menses every month and not every two months or every year for instance?.. More
The menses before giving birth to a baby was regular and lasts for six days every month. After giving birth to a baby, and after the end of the forty-day period, I was surprised by the discharge of blood of menses for two days only and then the blood stopped. So I waited for six days as usual and then I purified myself and performed the prayer. Then.. More
There is a pregnant woman who has menses nearly every week. Is she obliged to perform Ghusl (a ritual bath) each time? How will she perform the prayer? .. More
There is what is called nowadays ‘artificial menses’, which is a medical treatment for women who are in menopause, and it has some symptoms similar to that of ordinary menses. There are many benefits in it for the health of the woman. So what is the ruling on the acts of worship of this woman when she is in such artificial menses? .. More
I mothered a baby before four months and I am breastfeeding. Since two days, I had some discontinuous blood discharges. I usually have menses nine months after giving birth. Is this considered menses or post menstruation bleeding? .. More
When does one become pure from menses if they exceed ten days while it usually does not exceed one week? .. More
When a woman becomes pure from menses or post partum bleeding after the time of ‘Asr started, does she have to perform Thuhr and then ‘Asr, or should she perform ‘Asr prayer only, and how is she going to make up for other prayers, i.e. when she becomes pure after Fajr, or after Thuhr, or after Maghrib or after ‘Ishaa’? .. More
My wife became pure three weeks after giving birth to a child, and she started fasting. Then she had blood discharges after two weeks from then (after she became pure), and this was accompanied with the usual pain of monthly menses. So, she stopped fasting on the grounds that it was her monthly period, but she was surprised to notice that this blood.. More
I have amenia and this caused inconsistency in my menses. I had blood discharges during the first six days of Ramadhaan, and then I had blood discharges again on the 24th of Ramadhaan which lasted for the same period of menses. So I was confused as to whether they were menses or blood outside the monthly periods. .. More
I gave birth to a child last year and I did not have menses, and now after a whole year, I had some discontinued brown discharges and some red bleeding; they stop one day and then they come again. So, am I obliged to fast or not? .. More
Do I have to perform the prayer before my monthly menses, as the monthly periods after taking birth control pills are as follows: From three days to five days: they are only very small drops (of blood), and then I have menses for seven complete days, so it is twelve or thirteen days in total. The question is: What is the ruling on the first.. More
What is the difference between the white fluid that comes out exactly at the end of menses and white fluid discharge which a woman has during the period of purity? Do these fluids invalidate ablution? .. More
Is a woman in menses obliged to wash her private parts during menses as there are times I could not wash because of the abundance of blood?.. More
Is a woman need to make up the lost prayers, during menstrual period later? Or is she exempted from the lost prayers during the days of her menstruation every month? .. More
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