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Assalamalaikum,As i am planning to build toilet in my newly constucted house,Is it mandatory compulsary we should not face ourself nor our back in direction of qibla while answering call of nature or the toilet area is small , it is difficult to construct the toilet not facing in the direction of qibla. please guide me. waiting for your.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Hi! I have question. I am praying my salah the normal way. After sometime(days or weeks) I noticed that my qibla is not correct I am facing front but my qibla is a little bit on my right. My question are1. Are my previous salah accepted or not?2. I am having a hard time praying my salah ( right qibla) because.. More
I prayed at a job without knowing the qiblah, so I faced a wall since I didn't know where the qiblah was. I could have done more to find it, since a mosque was five minutes away. I intend on repeating these prayers.
Later I pictured the mosque in my head and imagined where the qiblah was and prayed in that direction a number of prayers.
Later.. More
I am using qibla app in android /smart phone during every prayer. In some waqt the direction in one point, in other waqt it deviates to some extent(several degrees). Allaah knows what is right, but I tried my best. Do I have to repeat previous prayer?
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Assalamu alaikum. I read some of fatwas that if one delivrately doesnt find out the qiblah and prays in a random direction. He must make up for that prayer later. However another sheikh said that if i prayed a certain prayer in a cloth which had some impurity and i found that out after the time of prayer has ended for example I prayed zhur. And at the.. More
I noticed that the Imam who leads the Muslims in prayer in Makkah prays toward one direction only, which is that opposite to the door of the honorable Ka‘bah. Why does he not pray towards the other three directions of the Ka‘bah, since, as I know, it is valid to pray towards all four directions?
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Respected scholars, assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I want to know whether there is any connection between the sun and the direction of the Qiblah. Some say that we have to keep our backs towards the sun, and some say that we should keep our face towards the sun to face the Qiblah while unable to find the right direction of it. Which.. More
salamun alaykum Shaykh. The question which I have asked about kabah is not ANSWER of my question question is. Is kabah masjid inside?
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I live in Italy and I travel a lot from one town to another. My problem is that I cannot determine the Qiblah. What should I do? .. More
How do people pray on the moon?.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a person who prayed towards a direction other than the Qiblah (i.e. the direction of the Ka‘bah in Makkah) more than a month and then knew the right direction. Is he required to make up the prayers of that month?
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My mother is an old woman whose right leg was amputated up to the knees and her left foot was amputated as well. She also suffers from (excessive) obesity so she cannot move easily and, therefore, cannot direct herself towards the Qiblah during the prayers except with great difficulty. Is it permissible for her to perform the prayer without directing.. More
QuestionWe have two Masjids. While the first directly faces the Qiblah (i.e. the direction of the Ka‘bah in Makkah), the second diverges 44.5° to the north but its Imaam is more righteous than that of the first. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on performing prayer in the second Masjid? What is the degree of divergence from the direction of the Qiblah.. More
assalam alaykum.pls,what is the ruling on spiting saliva or mucus such as nasal discharge in direction of qibla or on one's right both in prayer and outside prayer.jazaakumullah khayran
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My office leaving time is 5.30PM. Maghrib Salah time is 5.35PM. Our Bus departure time is 5.30PM. we are working out of city and doing daily up down from home to office and vise versa. Can we perform Maghrib salah in Bus in sitting condition due to this we can avoid Qaza of salam.
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