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Assalaamu alaykum, my Brothers and Sisters. I am a 16-year-old boy. Allaah, The Exalted, guided me to the right path during the 10 last days of Ramadan, praise be to Allaah. So ever since, I have done my prayers and read the Quran. However, Brothers, everytime I pray, I try to pray like our prophet, Muhammed
but everytime.. More
had our prophet (pbuh) prayed in different ways? If so is there any specific one which is correct or are all correct? Jazakallah.
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Salam, This is regarding the performace of Salat by our Beloved Prophet (pbuh), in one of your fatwa's # 89001 you have mentiond 15 Sahabi's(Ra) names and some of the Scholar's names regarding raising hands before & after Ruku but you did not mention the references, i will be vvvvv grateful to you if can send me the exact references please. I know.. More
Tell me some Hadeeth of Rafa' Al-Yadayn is this correct that Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, Wassala left Rafa' Al-Yadayn in his last days or last time. Is this true from Abdullaah Ibn Mas'ood or Anas bin Maalik Sahabas? In Saheeh Muslim that Prophet didn't Rafa' Al-Yadayn in later period of his life. .. More
I want to learn about Salat. What to do and what to say in Salat?
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Can you find me pictures as a Muslim praying (the Rak'ah)?
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For your praying to be accepted does it need to be according to the Prophet's prayer or the ways he permitted? Do you have to put your hands on your chest or on stomach and do you touch your ear lobes at opening prayer, when lowering, and raising from Rukuh or do you have to raise your hand to the level of your shoulders for your praying to be accepted... More
Tell me the number of Rakats in each Salah according to Hadiths.
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