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Regarding praying the Janaazah (i.e. funeral prayer) over the deceased who is absent, being in another land, is it a condition that we confirm the deceased has been washed and shrouded or is it permissible to offer the prayer over him as soon as news of his death is heard? Please provide evidences from the Quran and Sunnah, may Allaah The Almighty Reward.. More
Upon whom must we offer the funeral prayer? And is it permissible to offer it on a martyr?.. More
After the people offered the funeral prayer and buried the deceased, is it permissible to reoffer the funeral prayer on the same deceased person in other mosques?.. More
We have a friend who is registered lost since 5 weeks. After the police interrogated her husband, he admitted that he launched her body in the sea, but till now (today) we did not find the body.
My question is as follow: What kind of pray we have to do for her is it GAIIB pray, or we have to wait till the body is found and we do Salat Janaza?.. More
Can aperson who is abroad prayan absentee Janazah prayer for a deceased relative in his home country?.. More
What is the Hadith about Janazah prayer ( for an absent person) and within how many days we have to conduct that prayer?.. More
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