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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question; if a person dies as a martyr or dies by being killed or being shot or by a bomb and that person did not pray, will that person's martyrdom be accepted or not?
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Assalaamu alaykum. My husband was suffering from severe depression, It could also have been a clinical depression. Only Allaah knows; last month, he left the house telling me he was going to meet someone. Within 30 minutes, I got a call from the police informing me that he was involved in a train accident. I rushed to the hospital, where he was still.. More
My father died as a result of a motorcycle accident upon his return from the Taraaweeh prayer on the 17th of last Ramadhaan. Is he a martyr? What is the difference between the martyrs of this world and those of the Hereafter?
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Assalam wa alykum if a muslim dies while saving a life of kafir, will he get a reward of a martyr?
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I read in one Fatwa that death in a car accident is considered a type of sudden death, not a degree of martyrdom. Aren’t these accidents considered unintentional killing? Aren’t their victims considered martyrs, like the unjustly killed person?.. More
salamualikum wa rahmatullah wa barkatuhu If a person die due to sever heart attack does he/she be counted as shaheed?.. More
Why people died in accident are called Shaheed? .. More
Where might one get the idea that a martyr will be granted a number of virgins in Jannah? This is something I hear too often from the opposition to Islaam. .. More
I have a question regarding martyrdom (shaheed. I and my husband were watching a television program regarding Palestine and I felt very moved by what I saw. I said to my husband I pray that I also die as a shaheed. Shortly after it occurred to me that I wanted to share a long life with my husband and have children and see them grow up. I then.. More
I heard that if a Muslim person is killed by an intruder or dies by some accident or natural phenomena, he/she will go to Heaven directly. Is it true? Please tell me about it.
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