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Once a martyr's soul is placed in a green bird's body in jannah, will he be able to meet and have intercourse with hoor al-ayn even before the Day of Judgement? Many people claimed that the martyrs are living together with hoor al-ayn now (although the martyrs are using the green bird bodies before the Day of Judgement instead of human bodies), is their.. More
Du’a to preclude worms or worm-related creatures to devour the cadaver of a deceased Muslim Question: Asalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. When a deceased person is buried under the ground, his cadaver shall eventually decompose to form part of the soil of the ground. While the cadaver is in the lying state deep down the ground, it is exposed.. More
It is mentioned in a Hadeeth from the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that the Shaheed is forgiven at the first drop of his blood. Is the Shaheed forgiven for all of his sins, even major sins? May Allaah The Almighty reward you... More
Lately, there are people both in the media and among the youth who claim others have achieved Paradise and Shahaadah (i.e. martyrdom). Is there anything that is established concerning that from Ahl As-Sunnah? I hope that you will present us with the opinions of the scholars, specifically Ibn Taymiyyah and his students, may Allaah have mercy upon them,.. More
Will martyrs enter Paradise before the Day of Resurrection?.. More
Salaam Alaikum Sheikh, Can one supplicate for his martyrdom i.e. like saying: "ALLAHumma inni as-alukal-Jihaad" and in order to become generous and pious can he take medical pills to control his anger? Jazaak ALLAHu khair... More
Is it true that al-Shaheed do not have a bad smell as those who died in a normal way?.. More
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