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Assalamualaikum. If I ask Allah martyrdom because I want to attain firdaus ,does it comes under the ruling of sincerely asking Allah for martyrdom ? JazakAllah
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We know from hadith that apart from death in a war against non-muslims, there are many types of deaths that give a person the status of a martyr. For example, death by drowning, fire, falling wall etc. My question is will those who died by drowning, fire, falling wall, stomach disease etc. get the rewards of making intercession for 70 people and reward.. More
My mother died five days ago and six months ago she was a victim of a disease due to which she could hardly swallow food and drink, so much so that she lost much weight. In her last days, she was unable to swallow anything before she died. The physicians claim that she had esophagus blockage. Is my mother considered a martyr resulting.. More
I would like to know: if somebody dies during Hajj, will he be considered a martyr? Thank you... More
I disagreed with my friend about using the word "Shaheed" (martyr) for someone who was killed without right. He claims that we should consider that person to be a martyr, because he was killed by betrayal and oppression, in accordance with the Hadeeth: "Whoever is killed defending himself is a martyr." Is this true? To what extent can this Hadeeth be.. More
Is the believer who dies during heart surgery a martyr? If it is so, will his body be kept from decomposing in the grave? When the organs of the deceased are soft while washing his body, is it a sign of faith?.. More
I am a Muslim girl whose single greatest concern is attaining martyrdom for the sake of Allaah The Almighty but I cannot fight in the battlefield, so what should I do to attain such a rank when I die? May Allaah The Almighty Reward you with good... More
asalam alaikum , my question is that ; what reward will allah tala give to my son (15 years old ) who suffered black magic and died . please send my answer soon , Jazak Allah.. More
salam aleikum sheikh..i would like to know if dying from one sickness, like in my case can be cancer in it like to die in jihad??i have read that because women cant make jihad beause we have small children and so on that die from sickness will still take us to jennah insha allah???.. More
The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, referred to Muslims who drowned and died of abdominal diseases and others as martyrs. Will they enjoy the same reward as that enjoyed by martyrs in battle such as salvation from torment in the grave, forgiveness of sins, seeing one’s seat in Paradise, and other rewards?Will a Muslim woman who dies during.. More
Assalamu Aleikum, i just wanted to ask regarding a person dying as a shaheed when he drawns for question is will he be considered as shaheed even if he was not a muslim or a practicing muslim? jazakallah.. More
My question is related to death and is as follow: If a Muslim person dies a horrible death is that in anyway a punishment? For example; someone dies in a car accident or a bombing and his/her body becomes completely mutated; is this kind of death a punishment to that person? .. More
Could you please comment on the following Hadeeth? There are many Hadeeth, like the one below, is reported in many books. But I don't understand how a person, who dies in ways other than in the path of God, be considered as martyr.
Abu Hurayrah reported that Allaah's Messenger, peace be upon him, asked: "Who do you consider to be a martyr?".. More
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