My question is regarding Zakaat duty. I currently transfer a fixed amount from my salary to an orphan charity (needy orphans). This amount of money is about 6% of my salary. Can this monthly payment be considered as Zakaat?.. More
As one year completed on my gold I had to pay Zakaat on it but I didn't have enough money to pay so I paid 1/3 and say as I get more money I will pay later. Before few days I had money so I put out remained Zakaah which I had to pay, but here I didn't find any one to give Zakaah. I keep that money separate but I didn't give to any one, now.. More
Is it permissible to give Zakah before the prescribed time?.. More
Zakah should at least be equal to 2.5% of a person's savings in a year. I want to know if Zakah for a given year is to be paid during Ramadan or if it can be paid anytime during the year? .. More
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