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I am Iranian Muslim. I gave zakah for years I missed online. My non-Muslim mother was able to see my bank transactions. She then called the bank and claimed it was fraud. Regretfully, I went along with her narrative and the bank gave her the money I gave in zakah ("fraud money") which I refused to take and I asked her what she did with it. She said.. More
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I wanted to ask since zakah should be paid as soon as it's due, but someone who due ignorance did not pay for few years and upon realising is REPENTING and has worked out how much they owe but they can't pay it upfront so is it ok if they pay that outstanding zakah in monthly instalments to.. More
Assalamualaikum, We a have case in our family for which Fatwa is required. A father had left behind 2 waives. Children of 1st wife are grown up and earning. Children of 2nd wife (2 son &1 daughter ) are studying. At present Children of 1st wife are taking care of the expenses of their fathers 2nd wife and their children. As in India lot of money.. More
i pay zakat every week 1, 2, 1, riyal like this. because after ramadhan it will be amount so mind will not allow to give. now in this way i give whole year 1, 2, 1, rial 9BY NIAT ZAKAT)and deop in the charity box because no zakat box in any place. now my zakat will be ok. or not. my salam to u all. pls. reply md. ali, qatar.
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Sometimes, after I pay Zakaah, some money (of the Zakaah) remains. Is it permissible to keep this money without spending it and, if some money remains from the Zakaah of the following year, I keep it as well and add it to the previous remaining sum and so on till it becomes a large sum with which I can help in some issues like participating in marrying.. More
I am a doctor and I pay zakat on behalf of my brother to poor patients and they are many. Sometimes I postpone paying it until I ascertain that they are really in need of it. What is the ruling concerning preferring them over local citizens and what is the ruling concerning postponement? May Allaah Almighty Reward you the best... More
What is the ruling concerning an Imaam of a mosque who deposits the donations of the Muslim worshippers in his bank account? Also, what is the ruling of someone who uses them in trade?.. More
I collect money from the people for the foundation in which I work to spend on students in the requirements of education. Currently, we are not using this money as it is saved until we need it. Is it permissible for me to use it then return it?.. More
A man did not pay Zakaah for some years. As he is drawing near to death, he requested in his will that his heirs give the unpaid Zakaah from the inheritance after he dies. Is this valid?.. More
Is it permissible for me to give 20% of the Zakaah due on me for the coming eight years to my nephew to help him with the expenses of marriage without telling him that this money is that of Zakaah? Kindly furnish me with the answer soon via email. May AllaahThe Almighty Reward you... More
Is it permissible to lend the Zakaah of money to someone who needs a part of it and, upon paying it back, it will be given out as Zakaah on money?.. More
May Allaah The Almighty Reward you with the best reward. We are a charity organization. We receive Zakaah of cash and Zakaah of different crops at different times (wheat, cotton, olive, pistachio, sweet potato, and so on). We also distribute them consecutively throughout the year so it is difficult to determine which sum of money was spent and which.. More
1- Is it permissible to give Zakaah in the form of monthly installments to spend on some families? I take care of some families, and give them a fixed monthly sum of money each.
2- I have delayed paying Zakaah for nine years, because of my ignorance of the fact that the amount of money I have requires me to pay Zakaah on it. So, how should I pay.. More
II am an eighty year old retired employee now living on pension. I have never paid Zakat throughout my service, as well as retirement, with an intention that I shall keep the savings for my handicapped divorcee daughter (and bringing up her only child). Please advise whether I am allowed to keep zakat money for my handicapped daughter? If not, how.. More
(for example) I have 100 dollars and i pay a zakat of 2.5 dollars after completing a year.The next year i am able to save 197.5 dollars(100+97.5) along with the money for which zakat is already paid ,now should i pay zakat for 100 dollars or for 197.5 dollars?In hanafi fiqh what does they say?.. More
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