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My father is over the age of 80. He is infected with a disease in his brain that hinders him from controlling the movement of his right side. He needs somebody to help him with his affairs. Also, he cannot properly express what he wants to say even though he understands very well. As for the prayer, he forgets how to do it and how many rak‘ahs (units.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. What is the ruling in Islam about amnesia? Is it possible for a person to forget everything about himself (as seen in movies)? What if a practicing Muslim forgets all about his past and then becomes a non-Muslim? Would he be considered like the insane person?
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What is the ruling on someone who suffers from Alzheimer and cannot fast the month of Ramadan?
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My grandmother is old and suffers from amnesia sometimes. When we tell her that Ramadhaan has begun, she refuses to believe us and eats by day in Ramadhaan despite her physical capacity. What is the expiation due from us?.. More
What age limit is an old man exempted from fasting and praying?
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How can we satisfy an old woman who can't fast, and cannot make up what she missed to fast, yet is unhappy? Is there any Dua we can say to ease her suffering?
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Thank you for Islam's view of insanity. What I want to know is what are the leniencies or exceptions an insane person has in Islam. Recently I read an article that if a person is insane during Ramadhaan he does not have to make up for his missed days of fasting. What are other exceptions for him? .. More
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