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Assalamu alaykum!I have been trying to get pregnant and it seems insha'Allah it happened (some bodily symptoms start to show) but I cannot yet test, as it's too early. I need to wait 10 days until the test will be effective. In the meantime, Ramadan starts and I do not know what the ruling is, whether I have to fast until I find out for sure, or it's.. More
My wife is pregnant, and the doctor advised her not to fast because fasting does not enable an appropriate amount of water to reach the fetus. However, my wife insists on fasting. Is such insistence wrong?
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Ramadan is coming. I am three months pregnant. Whenever I become hungry, I feel I badly want to throw up, in which case I find I have to eat, even if just a bite of bread. Is it permissible to break my fast? I will definitely try my utmost to fast, but what should I do if I am not able to do so?
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There is a woman who has diabetes and has to make up for six days that she missed last Ramadan. She takes three doses of insulin injections every day; before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The medicine is intended to regulate sugar in the bloodstream, especially because she is pregnant and the disorder of sugar in the blood may harm her and her fetus... More
I am pregnant. I did not fast in Ramadan and I want to make up for the missed fast. However, I could not do so out of fear that fasting might be harmful to my fetus. Please advise! .. More
What is the ruling concerning a woman who abandons fasting during Ramadan due to breast-feeding? Can she use formula milk for her baby in order to be able to fast?.. More
If a pregnant woman discharges blood during the day in the month of Ramadhaan, what would be the ruling on this?
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One day in Ramadhaan, a bitter quarrel broke out between my husband and his sister-in-law which caused a great noise. I was terrified and was pregnant in my sixth month. I therefore drank some water for fear of abortion due to this fright. I then continued ‘fasting’ until sunset. What is the ruling on breaking the fast of that day? How can I make.. More
I have two questions. I am a mother of twins and cannot fast in Ramadhaan due to suckling them. When should I make up for the missed days of fasting? Are there any Hadeeth narrated on the authority of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, regarding the woman who gives birth to twins?.. More
I was pregnant in Ramadhaan, and hence I did not fast. I fed a poor person for each day I missed. Am I required now to make up for the days I missed or is that expiation enough? .. More
I read in a contemporary book of Fiqh (jurisprudence) that if the pregnant woman breaks her fasting during Ramadhan, according to the sounder opinion, she will be required only to make expiation. Hence, my wife would break fasting when she was pregnant and expiate only. This was repeated for many years. Recently, however, I came to know that this opinion.. More
Assalamu alaikum.Pls can you share with me some of the blessings a pregnant and lactating woman gets from Allah (SWT) so that we can be more motivated cos sometimes the stress and burden seems to be unbearable.And atimes our husbands dont seem to support us enough during this trying time.Thanks.Jazakallahu khairan.. More
My question has to do with the missed fast of breastfeeding and pregnant women. I know all three opinions with regard to it, but the matter is Sheikh Albaani quotes as evidence the words of Ibn Abbaas and Ibn Umar that women only need to feed one poor person per each day missed but there is a hadeeth in Saheeh an Nasaa'i (2274) in which the Prophet,.. More
As-salam,As per your fatwa # 81573, about Pregnant Woman Fasting in Ramadan, it is stated that..."If the pregnant woman fears for her life or for the life of her foetus when she fasts, it is lawful for her to break the fast and make up later the same number of days she had missed to fast during Ramadan".
It is understood that, basically the.. More
My wife is pregnant and I am worried that she might have difficulty fasting. She is in good health other than normal throw ups, headaches, and weakness in the joints. What is right that we should do? Should she fast no matter what she is feeling or she is excused to fast and make up for it some latter time? .. More
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