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Asalamu alaykom. I was expiating for breaking an oath by fasting three days. Someone asked me why I was fasting so I lied and said that I was making some up and made it seem as if I was making up the ones from Ramadan. Does my fast still count or is it invalidated by lying about the intention as to why I was fasting? May Allah reward you.
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As'Salaam alaikum waramotullah wabarakatuh!Please I wanted to know if it's permissible for a husband to break his break his fast (None Obligatory) for his wife sex desires at a particular time, even when she was being satisfied sexually some hours earlier before the fast is commenced.
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In one of the previous Ramadans I did my "qadaa" with " ستة شوال" and I combined my niyah, that was BEFORE I KNEW THAT IT IS HARAM. I already did my " qadaa" for this year. And if I need to do qadaa (which I doubt), I am not sure for how many Ramadans I did it since as I have stated before I didnt know it is haram and what I heard is that it.. More
How often may a person fast? Is there a limit?
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,Alhamdu'lillah ALLAH sub'hanahu wa ta'aala has made me to manage 15 saum a month,generally termed as saum-e-dawoodi (peace be upon him) but as I'm female due to periods they aren't alternate days but are 15 a month,since i'm 23
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu! I had the intention to fast the 10 days of Thul Hijjah, but after my first day of fasting, it was interrupted by my period, what shall I do now? I am now fasting the remaining days, but should I give expiation for those missed days? Please advise.
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I intended to fast the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth days, and thinking that they will start from Saturday, I took a bite of food on Friday morning, and before completing it, I came to know that it was the thirteenth of the month. Upon that, I took out what was in my mouth. Should I or should I not complete the fast of that day?
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I have made the intention to fast the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah. I work ten hours a day, and I may not be able to keep up with what I have intended. Can I fast the day of ‘Arafah only?
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Assalaamu alaykum. If I take a meal when the sun has come up, can I still participate in the voluntary fast? I look forward to your response. May Allaah reward you.
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I am really keen on observing voluntary fasting. Allaah is quite aware of my strong wish for this. However, when I fast, I suffer a headache that is so painful that I am not able to perform well at my job. Is it permissible to fast even though I will have to obviously neglect my job? Or may I pay money in charity instead of fasting Mondays and Thursdays.. More
Are the rulings pertaining to obligatory fasting applicable to voluntary fasting insofar as the two following points are concerned: 1- if the person observing a voluntary fast forgetfully eats or drinks, should he continue fasting, and 2- will the supplication made before iftar (the time for fast-breaking) during voluntary fasting be answered just like.. More
May I fast the white days (the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every lunar month) separately? For example, can I fast the 1st, 15th, and 30th of every month instead? Or do I have to fast the three days as the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every lunar month?
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Is it permissible to simultaneously fast one of the six days of the month of Shawwaal and one of the three white days of the same month (13th, 14th, and 15th)?
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I decided to fast every other day. However, whenever my husband calls me for sexual intercourse, I respond, even though I am fasting. Yet, he does not agree with me concerning my fast. What is the viewpoint of the sharia about this?
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Is it permissible for a Muslim to fast every other day and at the same time fast on Mondays, Thursdays, the middle three days (13,14 and 15) of each lunar month and occasions where fasting is recommended ? Or should he restrict the fast to a specific manner such as fasting on every other day only, even though this might cause him to miss fasting days.. More
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