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In the last season of Hajj, it happened that it was very cold in Muzdalifah, and when the people departed from ‘Arafat, a woman stumbled into a hole due to crowdedness and her ankle was sprained, and this caused her to be moved from a place to another carried or driven by a truck. Furthermore, when we went to Muzdalifah, the driver did not arrive.. More
I set out for Hajj some years ago and while we were going from ‘Arafaat to Muzdalifah, my nephew was lost. When we did not find him, we moved on to Muzdalifah where we spent the night, but my brother took us back to our home in Makkah. When we arrived, I slept and have not completed the rituals of Hajj until today out of ignorance. What should I do?
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Dear brothers assalamu allaikum l was with indian medical mission as a doctor we gave them in writing that we will not perform haj but later on they allowed us to perform haj with condition that i will not stay at muzdelfa for night tell me please is this haj acceptable ?wasalam.. More
I performed Hajj this year and on our way from ‘Arafaat to Mina we performed the Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ Prayers combined and shortened. Later, we realized that we had not entered Muzdalifah yet, for we saw a sign indicating the beginning of Muzdalifah. A Muslim advised us to perform the prayers again, and we did but we did not stay in Muzdalifah.. More
My wife and I intended to perform Hajj with our one year and three month old baby girl who is very attached to her mother. We went from ‘Arafah to our house in the Al-‘Azeeziyyah district of Makkah instead of heading directly to Muzdalifah in order to feed the child, change her diaper, and fulfill our own needs as well. After that, we went on.. More
Is Al-Mash'ar Al-Haraam Muzdalifah? .. More
Where is Al-Mash'ar Al-Haraam in Muzdalifah? I did Hajj and I never went to a place so called (I think). What is the status of such a Hajj?.. More
Last year, I went for Hajj and when we left Arafat for Muzdalifah, we passed via Mina. We stopped for a while in our tent and we headed for Muzdalifah. Is this practice correct or should we go directly to Muzdalifah? .. More
I am going for Hajj this year, insha Allah with a group. For Rami al Aqaba al-kubra, they do not want us to sleep the whole night in Muzdalifah then go to do Rami al-Aqba al-kobra at the morning. They want to move us after midnight from al Muzdalifah and do Ramiah al-Aqaba-alkobra around 1 or 2, go for Say and Tawaaf before Fajr. What should I do?.. More
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