What is the religion's opinion of a Muslim lady married to a Christian man who attacks Islam all the time in our work? Should we complain to her Boss and try to expose what she does?.. More
Is a traditional marriage to a Christian woman permissible?.. More
I'm in love with a nice Jewish boy. What should I do about it? Should I take all his gold and silver and give it to Allah?.. More
I married an American man who converted to Islam for me a year ago based on a Fatwa that it wouldn't be Haram if he prays and promises never to go to church. He agreed. Because of immigration procedures he is in the US now and I am in Canada. I gave him books about Islam and he lives about 10 minutes away from a mosque (where he converted on paper before.. More
How can I work with a Muslim girl who married a Christian man (non-Muslim)? I am a government worker, in the group that where I work with there is a girl born from a Muslim family married a Christian man, my friends tell me since she is not your relative you haven't right to hate here. I know that a Muslim can marry Ahl Kitab (Jews and Christians).. More
Marriage with a non-Muslim woman. A Muslim married (made Nikah) with a non-Muslim girl (idol worshipper) where the girl did not convert to Islam and continue her religion, i.e. both are following their religions. What is the status of such relationship in Islam? Now they have children in them eldest one is about 14 years. The children does not follow.. More
I am married with a catholic woman and she is now more convinced about Islam than any other religion, but she doesn't convert because she said she is afraid from losing her society. I still have great hope that she will convert one day and very soon. The question here is if I understand that she will not convert to Islam. What shall I do, knowing that.. More
What should parents do if their daughter eloped and married a Christian man? Can they kill her, disown her, or what? .. More
I'm a Moroccan student in the US. I'm in a relationship with a girl for 2 months now. My question is: Is it legal to marry this girl even she is not Muslim? .. More
In ignorance of core Ahmadiyya beliefs, and by mistake, I got married to a born-Ahmadiyya woman. Prior to the Nikaah, she made me to sign some document, which was actually some kind of "Bayat" to the Ahmadiyya Group. I claim that it was made to sign fraudulently because they misrepresented Ahmadiyyat to me as another sect of Islam and I was ignorant.. More
First, I would like to thank you all for your great effort in answering questions from muslims around the world. I have a friend from Indonesia. She is a young Christian girl ( 23 years old ) and wants to become a Muslim. She lives in Jakarta and is thinking of marrying a Muslim. She asked me for advice. What should she read? Who should she talk to?.. More
I know that the Muslims are allowed to marry the people of the Book. I would like to know are there any people of the Book who live in this world at present time who are real people of the Book? Can we marry the present Christians and Jews who are so called People of the Book? Answer me under the light of Quran and Sunnah. .. More
My question as follows: My mother has been with my step-dad for 22 years. She is a Muslim and he claims to be a Christian, and I recently told her that it is unlawful for her to be married to him(they were married 12 yrs. ago). So can you please help me to give her a straight and clear answer to her situation. I want her to know the importance and seriousness.. More
I am a Muslim man study in the USA. I was not living up to the standards, as a Muslim man should. I was drinking, smoking, meeting girls. I met a girl that I was dating and she learned (the hard way) of my wrong doings. Instead of leaving me, she insisted that I return to the path of Allah, and become a more practicing Muslim. She helped me see where.. More
I married an English lady 5 years ago and we have a young boy. My wife is not a Muslim). I started to pray and read more about our religion and Allah has is been so kind to me by lighting my way and my life. I spoke to her several times about Islam that she should convert to Islam but there is no hope. I don't know whether to stay with her or divorce.. More
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