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182 fatwas

  • His childless wife will not live with him if he marries another wife

    assalamualaikum i married 9 yrs ago i dont had child i want 2 marry anotherwomen for children purpose what should i give hissa(property)2 my first wife she is demanding and after getting hissa what so ever (property) my wife is telling 2 me she will not live with me and seperated from me if i give talaq 2 my wife iam fearing she will put a case.. More

  • She feels humiliated that her husband reconciled with his first wife

    Aslm Alkm.Pls help me .im the 2nd wife of my husband , and he already have a first wife with 3 kids all are grownup. like age 17, 15 and 11.His first wife is not at all a understanding lady past 14 years my husband controlled himself because of 3 kids,they both didnt hav proper sharing of bed also with him, After second marriage there was a very.. More

  • He is ashamed that he sent his second wife to her country

    i am living with my wfie n adult sons in india.i married an arab woman as my second wife n brought her to india.since the second wife came,my health became very bad.i could not continue life with second wife.therefore i requested her to go back to her country and i gave her settlement first wife is against with my living with second wife.i.. More

  • His father is not just between his two wives

    I'm a 19 years old,my father is one of reich businessmen in the city,and he has 2 families but he isn't faire in many aspects to my mother and family.He is always biassed as mach as i cann't explaine. Is it haram if I spend money(without his permission) for things that are necssary e.g educational purposes and things that might not be necessary but.. More

  • Her husband blames her for not finding him a second wife

    Assalaamu ‘alaykum, 1.My husband and I have been married for almost 7yrs but 5 yrs living together. Since then we’ve not be blessed with any child. We live in another country where we both don’t have any family just the two of us. We are very fond of and used to each other. But recently, he intends to marry a 2nd wife with the hope that Allah.. More

  • Marrying a second wife without informing parents and relatives

    Can a person take second wife if his first wife agrees to it without informing parents & families of either of the two (husband & wife). The second marriage is for the sake of Allah (swt) and not out of lust. The intention is to marry a divorcee... More

  • A second wife treated unjustly

    Salamalecom i'm a second wife and my marriage contract was done by my wali who is a sheikh.The acceptance and dua for marriage was done infront of witnesses but the signing of the contract was done a month later,and the only person to see me sign the contract was my husband not even the wali.Can a man request before marriage that the woman not have.. More

  • You should not divorce your new wife

    Dear Esteemed Imam, I am a married person, and living alone for more than four years away from my wife in a foriegn country. I have entered into a another marriage with full shart achieved, i.e. 1. Witnesses (More than 6 men) 2. Mahr 3. Ijab and Kubool When I married, I had no intention of divorce, however when I married, I did not think nor my new.. More

  • Married his first wife secretly to avoid angering his parents

    The man get merry woman 4 months ago but she is in secret because his parents never accept non arab girl.He had problem to have children so told her that she will stop to be in secret when she get pregnent and then they will tell about this merryd to his parents because he is sure that they accept her.He promisse also and she agree for this that he.. More

  • A married man wants to marry a second woman who has herpes

    Assalaamu Alaikum waraghmatullah If a brother wants to marry a sister as a second wife. How ever the sister has a picked up a sexually transmitted desease known herpes because of previouse relationship but she has repented sincerely. she was not raised as a practising muslim. How ever now she is practising MasrhAllah and repented for her past. Is the.. More

  • At pain to marry him although he cannot afford to marry a second wife

    Assalamu Alaikum, In my work place there was a muslim syster of central asia who usually asks me questions about Islam and fiqh. I used to give her books and web urls related to those matter. One day shockingly she asked me whether I would marry her. I told her I'm married with 3 children and can't afford to marry a second wife since my family is living.. More

  • Wife supplicating to Allaah to make her the only wife of her husband who has another wife

    asalam alaykum, is it allowed in islam for the one wife to make dua to Allah swt to make her the only wife of her husband (who is having 2 wives in polygyny marriage). Especially, if her husband has deceived her before the marriage to think that he will divorce his first wife, and now she feels totally deceived and broken, and she finds it unbearable.. More

  • Has no children and does not stand her husband’s second marriage

    I have a problem and want your advice. I am married to a Muslim man for 10 years now. I am much older than him and pass the age to have children. His family does not know of my existence. We live in the USA . Three years ago his family insisted that he get married in his home country which he did. They now have a child together whom I love and care.. More

  • Having a second wife is the only option for him to have children

    Salamalaykum BYy the grace of Allah Iam married man for more than 7 years i love my wife too much and she too loves me we are very happy Alhumdulliah she is more religious than me and i respect her for that but unfortunately we dont have kids, and Doctors told me she is having some problem and she cant conceve a baby, we tried all options including.. More

  • Lying to his first wife about his second marriage

    Salam alaikum, can a husband, who marries a second wife in secret, lie to his first wife and say he has not married a second wife, when she asks him the direct question? I am a convert married for 20 yrs in Europe with 6 children. My husband and I built a flat and a granny flat on his fathers property in N. Afriica with joint money with the intention.. More