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Is it permissible to enter upon a reconciliation session without permission to intervene for the good of one of the disputing parties though the other party refuses and objects to that?.. More
asalamulaikum when i was a new driver i smashed into someones parked and destroyed it, no one was in there car, but the persons car probably had to be written off . and a few times i scratched peoples car with my car and didnt own. if i own up now i would be banned as its too late i still drive now and sometimes to the mosque or too help my mum with.. More
Assalaam alaikum I wanted to know is there any sin on a person who waives their rights. E.g. if a woman who wants children but husband says no more, she goes along with what he says to keep the peace. Or if a person asks for financial aid from their parents and they refuse, but later she finds out they gave a large amount to two of her siblings? Should.. More
I want to known detail about Mubaahala if two friends working together as partner in business. Later among them some problem occurs now they can to Mubaahala among them. One of my friend said that we can only do for Islaam activities not any other world things. Is it right? Send me detailed answer with Qur'aan and Hadeeth base... More
"A" and "B" were partners in a business as per an agreement that suggests to divide the profit and loss equally between them after deducting a portion of their sponsor under whose commercial registration the business was running. Meanwhile "A" desired to withdraw from the business, because he wanted to increase the portion of the sponsor according.. More
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