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assalamu alaykum, if the groom is financially poor is it allowed for him to ask financial help from the brides family to arrange walima party jointly (by the both family)?
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته I read that a wedding party for more than three days is haram or something like that. In my land, people have so many parties on different days when they get married. (Sometimes even before they make the contract!) .Can you explain?
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How is wedding car decoration done in islam?
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I am unemployed and do not have money for a wedding now, but both my parents and those of my wife are in support of our relationship. She has given me a child and we are living together, but we are still not financially able to go through a wedding for now. Is what we are doing accepted in Islam, and can she prepare food for me during Ramadan?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I heard of a narration that says that the one who attends the wedding feast organised by the bride's side is like the one who enters the feast as a thief and comes out as a dacoit (Hindy for bandit). Is this narration true? Please provide a reference. May Allaah reward you.
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السلم عليكم I am married,had waleemah and announced it! But i have recently found out that my nikah was not valid so i have to renew it! Does this mean i will have to announce the marriage again with waleemah,as everyone in the community thinks were already married so does it have to be announced again as this will be very embarrassing and.. More
Assalam alaikom, First of all, may Allah reward you all for your generous efforts in bringing authentic knowledge to the average Muslim. I was wondering if it was ok to distribute some sweets amongst colleagues in my office as a happy occasion for fixing of my wedding. Can this be done before Nikah or only after ? Now my wedding will be in India and.. More
Is Gaye holud (translates to “yellowing of the body.” at night before wedding ceremony ) an islamic culture or a bengali culture ? If it is a islamic culture can you give any evidence from quran & sunnah ? In our country Bangladesh some people mention a hadith to prove that it is an islamic culture. The hadith is:oneday abd al rahman bin awf.. More
I am goin to get married soon in India. I have a few doubts regarding the marriage contract. 1) Is it permissible for my bride's parents to gift their daughter with gold and land as gift? If my bride gives those things or land to me, can I make use of it? {It is not a demanded dowry} 2) I plan to give the waleemah on the wedding day after the nikkah.. More
ASAK, During a discussion between friends, I took a strong objection to the viewpoint of some. The topic was "INNAMAL AMAALU BINIYYAAT" (ACTIONS ARE BUT INTENTIONS). A few years back home in India this was overheard that "the cook gave advice to the host of a wedding day dinner that if we add a certain ingredient called "PHITAKRI" to the dish being.. More
Is it permissible to give a wedding banquet with food but without slaughtering an animal (i.e. a goat, sheep, or a camel, and so on)?.. More
Is there a Hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that urges Muslims to hold banquets on certain occasions such as marriage, circumcision, and the like?.. More
Is it permissible not to have a marriage banquet if holding it would lead to religious violations such as intermixing between men and women, illegal exposure of women's adornment, singing, and so on?
Can I make up for this by slaughtering a sheep for example and distributing the meat among my relatives and the poor people?
May Allaah reward you... More
Asslamu Alaikum,
Dear Sheikh,
It is a tradition in my hometown for the groom to go to bride's house after marriage. The groom will live in the bride's house and will give money for food for the entire family. The house will legally belong to wife. I read that during Prophet's time, bride used to go to husband's house after marriage. Is this tradition.. More
Dear scholars I am planning to get married by year end InshaAllah. I have a question regarding the wedding
feast and ceremony. I live in Kashmir. Here we have a tradition of inviting lots of guests to the feast and quintals
of mutton, chicken and vegetables etc, are served to the guests and I must admid most of it goes waste. I myself.. More
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