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One brother read on the islamqa website how to deal with a disobedient wife it said scare her with one talaq so he thought that meant u can scare and it won’t count so he done so now he’s found out it counts regardless of intention he didn’t understand that the website is only in courageing this if you have know previous talaq please what is the.. More
Assalam o elaikum,
1: I am engaged( no nikah ) to my cousin since the last 6 months. I remember few year back when my friend was trying to convince me to marry this girl i told him something like consider this girl is haram for me so he will stop convincing( i dont remember exact wordings ). Will it effect my future nikah with this girl? 2: Once during.. More
My name is T. and I am married twice. The name of my first wife is B, and I have two children with her. Later on, I married another lady whose name is M. My parents were against my marriage with M. They asked me to divorce M. M's father was also against this marriage. The worst was that my wife B was extremely cruel. She took my children and went to.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am from Kolkata, India. I have been married to my wife for the last five months, but the marriage has not been consummated. After marriage, things have not been good; both her family and mine were not happy (they did not show this openly) with this marriage, but they accepted the marriage in the end. Now, all of a sudden, due to.. More
In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Most Compassionate. Assalaamu alaykum. May Allaah reward you. Praise be to Allaah. A person was married for nearly two years. they were happy though arguments led to at least two prior divorces; when the last (third?) divorce took place, the husband was extremely angry due to problems and became highly unreasonabl.. More
Assalm o Alycum I am from Karachi Pakistan My husband has given me divorce two days ago now he want me to take back, I m writing whole situation in detail please guide me. We have got married 5 months ago in presence of my family (only) n in presence of husband's friends. It was a love marriage he was already engage with some else girl and marry me.. More
My husband and myself have been married for 12 years and are very happy. We have no children because i have a problem conceiving. We are very happy together and my husband keeps me all time happy with joking. Over the years he has on various occasions jokingly given me Talaqs (divorce) but at these times we did not know that joking Talaq (divorce) is.. More
Your Fatwa No: 106429 .. Samething has happened to me then I give her a divorce..I am not telling you the whole thing but it was all exactly like that. I already told you the way after divorce, but this was the main reason to give. The same story appears to me on the fatwa 106249.. Her parents said that she has a evil eye of somebody and someone is.. More
Salam alaykum My husband said in extreme anger (extreme of the kind that we were physically hurting each other) "we are divorced". We therefore thought it counted, although he only said it out of anger. I started observing iddah because we thought we were divorced. We later learned that under extreme anger, divorce does not take place. But, during these.. More
Assalamu Alaikum my nikah was done a year ago and my husband lost his job few months ago and we hav been struggling financially since.. He is in extreme state of anger and sadness constantly as finding a job has been a nightmare.. We are managing at the moment from my salary, which is hardly enough for us to go through the whole month.. I have been.. More
asam aleikum. Is divorcen under a false accusation still valid? I have written to my wife "Divorced divorced divorced" on the basis of incorrect and false accusation. I dit not intent 3 separate divorces when i wrote it. Shortly after I found out that she was completely innocent. I have read a fatwa that divorce does not count under false accusation.. More
Once I was very angry and swore by divorce that my fiancée must not visit her relatives. I now regret this and I want to expiate my oath so that she can visit them. What should I do? May Allaah Reward you... More
I was talking with my wife about some topic. She kept on arguing with me. Being bored with talking on the same topic, I said to her, “Will you shut up or I will take an oath against you? Do not speak again about this topic!” She asked me whether I am going to take an oath of divorce and I answered in the affirmative. The next day, she asked me whether.. More
Assalamu Alaykum doubts about divorce I have a question about divorce. I had 2 years ago written the following in a text message to my wife " divorced divorced divorced ." It's a long story, but it was all a misunderstanding. I was very angry and could not think clearly. Shortly after I realized that I had done something serious . I was sincere ignorance.. More
I have been married for around 10 years now. I gave my wife two divorce notices by my lawyer with a gap of one month in past. We had a riju then. We had two daughters out of this wedlock. After 7 years of my marriage my wife disobeyed me again due to which I got so angry that I lost control on myself, went into extreme anger, I broke almost all my bedroom,.. More
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