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When patients are addicted to alcohol and then decide to stop drinking alcohol, healthcare professionals have to advise them to not stop drinking straight away because stopping drinking straight away can cause a condition called delirium tremens which can be fatal. Of course healthcare professionals have to advise them to continue drinking until they.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear Shaykh, when someone drank alcohol and stands near to us, we can smell the scent of alcohol. Is it haram to inhale that smell? Sometimes, it is difficult to avoid that smell, especially when they talk to us or stay in our room or the like. What should we do on such occasions?
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My manager at work is a hashish addict? Should I inform the anti-drug authorities about him?
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Asalamu aleykum. An awkward situation happened where a brother smoked some weed with another brother not knowing he had heart problems. He did not force him or anything it was of his own will. Unfortunately he passed away the same night because of the weed he smoked for the first time. Is the brother in any wrong? Jzk.
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Is wine permissible in Christianity? I would like you to support your answer with quotes from the Gospel in both cases... More
is drinking even one sip of alcohal haram, with the intent of trying only once. .. More
Dear scholar, Assamualaikum, i'm a student who learned a beverage subject at a university, there i learned the type of alcoholic drink and how to produced it. I also will make a visit to alcoholic drink factory. Is it permissible for me to learn it and visit the factory?.. More
Why was drinking alcohol at the beginning of the Islam? Why is Haraam now? Need Ayah from the Qur'an?.. More
Is the Qaat (the plant my husband eat and keep it in his mouth like people in Yemen) Halaal or Haraam and why?.. More
In the name of Allaah, The Most-Gracious, The Most-Merciful. I Muhammad have been a Muslim for over 10 years and have really gained some knowledge over the past 6 years. However I have been plagued with a disease that has stolen my Islam away from me and that is cocaine use. I really need help, advice, and the guidance of Allaah and His Messenger.. More
Iknow that drinking alcohol is forbidden, but is it true that if you drink it , your prayer is not accepted for 40 days?.. More
Is smoking marijuana the same as drinking alcohol in view of Islam? Is it considered "Kabaer"? .. More
Is it true that Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) allowed the use of Cannabis among his followers? Please respond because I need to know... More
Is alcohol forbidden in Islam? Please give me verses from the Qur'an where it is mentioned that it's HARAM, not just "filthy work of satan."
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