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If my father slaughters an animal with his haram income, is it halal for me to have that animals meat?
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Assalamualaikum sheikh. I'm in a great problem nowadays. I'm really depressed about a matter. Recently I've come to know that nutmeg and mace are haram . But it's very widespread in our country. It's really difficult to avoid it completely. Yesterday I was about to eat nutmeg by mistake which was mixed with rice I threw it but ate the rest of the rice.. More
Firstly, I am a revert so my parents are not Muslim they are Catholic. I want to know the ruling on buying pork for my elderly parents when asked? I politely refused to do it and bought the other shopping she requested. But , she asked "why wouldn't you do this for your elderly mother?". It felt wrong to buy the pork but I also feel guilt not helping.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I work at group home where they serve pork. So I told them when I was Starting that I will not make pork. One day I had to Mae their dinner and I t had pork in it. I used gloves and I served it, so did I sin?
The main question is Haram to work at this kinda place even when I am not the person serving the pork?
Jazakumullahu khayr
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Salam aleykum wa rahmatullah. May Allah bless and reward you for your efforts. My question is to do with my work. I wear gloves and prepare pizzas in a place that serves pizza to customers but amongst it’s most favourite and popular pizzas are pizzas that have pork on them, i want to know if working in this place is haram and if my income will be.. More
I understand that vinegar which is deliberately made from alcohol is haraam for one to consume. But is it also najis?
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Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, nowadays there are many foods like sweets or drinks that have certain indregends that can be made from plants but also animals. The problem is that many times it does not say wether it is made out of plants or animal indregends. If i have a drink for example and there is something in it that I am doubtful.. More
What is the ruling of Islam according to Imam Abu Hanifah regarding eating snakes?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Please, do not refer me to other fatwas. May Allaah bless you. What does Islam say about drinking the blood of an animal like a hen or a goat and so on? And what about soldiers who perform their duty in cold areas where they usually do not have much means to survive in that freezing cold, so they drink the blood of an animal, which.. More
Assalaamu alaikum. Is treeshrew halal? We have many in our surroundings and many people eat them.
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Assalaamu alaykum Brother. May Allaah, The Exalted, bless you. I would like to ask the following question: In some parts of Indonesia, the locals mix a deadly substance called methanol into alcoholic drinks and sell this to unsuspecting tourists. The methanol is mixed in to save the locals money, but this is deadly and has caused some tourists to become.. More
What to do if in a hospital that serves pork and forced to eat in the dining room with other patients including men I am a Muslim woman.
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A mowlavi from India says only the flesh of a swine is haraam other parts are halaal. Is it true? SALAAM.. More
is eating grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) allowed in islam.. More
Assalamu Alikum.
There are many traditions today that held in some muslim countries and many "religious practices" which are practiced by some muslims but which are wrong, and are mere INNOVATIONS. I'm speaking here about those ceremonies which are held to celebrate every year a day in which a person who's said to be "Wali Salih" (a good servant of.. More
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