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Is eating fish on Fridays from the Sunnah?
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Assalamalekum, I have read in some book that a person if he/she eats 21 raisins per day, is saved from all diseases except death. Is it right? And one more thing, i asked a question long back, but did not get the reply yet...pls. check that as well....... 23rd sep -2322292 .. More
is there any sahih hadeeth which says muslim man should eat meat it makes him strong and a muslim should be strong? jazakallah.. More
What was the favorite food of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? .. More
Can non-Muslims drink Zam-Zam? Please reply as soon as possible.
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When people return from Hajj/Umrah they mix zam-zam water with normal water and give it to their guests. Is this allowed to increase the water? .. More
Is there a Hadith saying, "use the black caraway for it is indeed a remedy for all diseases except death", if so is it Sahih?.. More
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