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Assalamo Alaykom. I live with my parents in a house with a backyard. I love giving food to cats, but my parents say I should stop doing that because the cats jump into the backyard and fight each other and leave the place dirty. I also hear from my neighbor that the cats jump into their backyard at times. Am I sinful if I keep giving food to cats?Jazakum.. More
I don't like cats indoors and I made it clear before wedding. Is it permissible for husband to force this on me now that the cat is injured? I want to move to next stage of having a baby. But my husband only cares about his sick cat and is also unemployed because he is too focused on his cat. I don't mind letting the cat indoor until he is healed but.. More
Assalaamu alaikum. Are we allowed to keep hamster as pets?
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Assalamu alykom,My wife love cats to the point that she treat them like kids.Now we have a cat with us and i cant stand cats for some reason. Anyway, and this cat runs ,scream and distorting things. I asked my wife to give the cat away, she start crying and be sad till i said ok let keep this cat.any advise for my wife about this issue please, and she.. More
Assalaam alaikum, we had recently found a stray kitten. We had thought something might be wrong with it and took it to the vet. The vet said the kitten was about 45 days old it has been starved and needs care. We bought prescribed medicines and all the necessary items the kitten would need. At this age it needs warmth. It was placed in a cozy box(as.. More
We know that burning an animal to death is strictly forbidden. So would I be guilty if the ants and insects on the dried herbs died in the fire while the dried herbs were being burned and cleaned by me?
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Assalaamwalakum wa rahmat ul a hi wa barakatahu. My cat is pregnant for the second time in the last three months. We have kept her previous litter of three surviving kittens who we love as much as we love her. One fajr time I was feeding all of them as usual and she beat one of her kittens and without thinking I smacked her on her head. I feel so regretful.. More
Assalamu Alaikum.
Last year I found a abandoned kitten.I took it and provided a good care. She totally depend upon me. She does not like left over homemade food. I have to order cat food online which is very difficult to maintain. I can not abandon her because of emotional attachment and her dependence on me.
Last night new 6 kittens born which made.. More
AslamaualakumThere is hadith that says he prophet (Saw) was going to burn an ant community,How do we defend this from ppl who say its harsh and your prophet was evil
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Is it allowed to kill a disabled cat who is not able survive by itself; it is difficult to keep it at home as it needs to be taken care of like a baby its whole life.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I was driving a car, and after exiting a roundabout, I unintentionally hit a pigeon. By the time I noticed the bird on the road, it was too late for me to stop my car and, moreover, it was a busy street and there were other cards behind me. What is the ruling? Am I required to offer an expiation or fast? May Allaah reward you.
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My cat recently died and we buried it in our garden. I want to know whether it will go to heaven. Also, when we brought the cat home, it stayed in the box for 20 minutes,and then my dad took him out of the box and tipped him out of the bag and put him into the grave. We left him in the blanket that he was wrapped in, and I think that his injuries were.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I hit a bird with my car about 20 minutes ago on a road that sees a good deal of traffic. It is probably impossible for me to do anything about that now, but I would like to know what I was supposed to do. When I hit the bird, I kept going because I had to get to work and I assumed that even if the bird was still alive, after that.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have two cats at home. A big black cat repeatedlycomes and beats my cats very badly. I feel very bad for my cats. Can I beat the big cat to take revenge? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum, respected Scholars. I have a question regarding accidentally harming living things. I work as a kindergarten teacher and one of my lessons was on insects and bugs, so I asked the children to search for different kinds of bugs outside to put in a container and observe in the classroom. We found a big ant, and I placed it in the container.. More
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