What is the rulling in islam on a muslim lady who supports his familly because husband is sick and cannot do that . They have children 15,12 and 4. The lady is not complaining as she took it as an exam from Allah and she is patient with the situation . She has been doing so for the last 10 years now.GOD has given her a better job and she can take care.. More
Salaamualikum, My mother's sister payed fees for my school for about six years consecutively. Now that "Ahsaan" is a mighty burden on my neck and I am very keen to remove it through any possible way. So could you please suggest any way out to fulfill her "Ahsaan"? May ALLAH (Almighty) reward you with goodness... More
salam! in behalf of my friend who's father died 14 yrs ago, he had tried to move on and forget about the death of his father, but up to now everytime he's having hard time about his life, he always thinks that because of his father who is upset to him before he dies he is blaming himself. he is now 45 yrs old, un married, working hard to survive every.. More
aslaam alaikum dear brother/sister of islam i live in england uk, i am going to buy my house with my husband,my husband does not have family in the town we live in and his parents live in pakistan.my husbands brother is married to my big sister they have been married for 15 years and they live in the same street as we are currently living in my sister.. More
bismillahi ar-rahmani ar-rahim assalamu alaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear brothers i want to ask you a question. i'm in italy and an imam was arrested here in italy ad a group of imams and associations want to ask the grace for him from the president of the italian repubblic. Is this halal or haram? jazakum Allah khairan.. More
As Salamu Alaikum.I'm a 23 year old ex-ismaili who is now a revert Sunni Muslim for about an year. However, my parents engaged me to an ismaili man before i reverted and now they want to marry me off to him. I have tried to convince them a couple of times but they emotionally blackmail me saying that their reputation is at stake and can't call off my.. More
6 year ago I look Harram Money and I bought one TV at $150, one Microwave at $170 and one Video Recorder at $80. I know the person who the money belongs to but I can't tell him that I look his money illegally because he can damage my reputation. Just I want to pay him back. 1. The TV with same brand and same model number was discontinued by the manufacturer.. More
Respected Mufti, Asalam-u-Alaikum The Messenger of Allah (saaws) says: “Whoever protects the reputation of his brother, Allah will protect his face from Hell Fire on the Day of Judgment” (Related by al Tirmithi) According to this hadees i would like to ask that my father is against religious people specially Ulema, Mufti & Mujhaideen. Where.. More
Salaam alaykum brother. May Allah reward the Islamweb team for their efforts in enlightening Muslims. My question: "Can the the title 'Your Highness' and the like be used to address rulers when Highness is only applicable to Allah azzawajal?" .. More
Dear Sheikh asallaamoe aleikoem, I'm from Holland and have some quetions: 1. i am married but my father is divorced and lives with us with my brother. Should i obey my father or my husband (in diffrent situations)? Because my husband says not to interfere in the divorce stituation between my father and my steph mother? But my father let me to do al.. More
ASSLAMWEALYKUM , Am working with my father firm which we are a dealer for a big co., there are a dealers for other big co, our business same only the brand the different , here is my question , this days the co which we are dealer for they have a problem to supplie for us some products due to this case I can not full fill the need of my clients, then.. More
alslam alykem my grandmother was sick in the hospital and doctors were trying to give her the medicne and she refused. so i had to give her it by placing an oxgen mask on her face to help her breath. she cant stop taking it because she cant breth on her own. while i was trying to place the mask, she said "may allah punish you" she passed away after.. More
This ques. is about A Person (Aged 16) who is living his life alone, Yes, ALONE! he cooks food for himself (i.e. there Is NO one To prepare food for him). he has NO choice of clothes (i.e. he passes weeks wearing the same clothes) & he is being persecuted Regularly. There are Other Awful sufferings (which a human Can't even think of). NO! he is.. More
one wants to make hijra to the UAE from britain, do i need my parents permission? i do not live with them, and they are with other family members, they are financially well off and the tasks i do for them can easliy be undertaken by other members of the family ( brothers and sisters) who have no plans to leave britain... More
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