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653 fatwas

  • Repentance and Punishment for Adultery in Islam

    A repentant unmarried Man want know how to carry out the punishment for adultery on myself. I repented to Allah, but I still feel very guilty about what I did. I had Haram relationship with a non-Muslim girl who'd lost her first ovary due to health issues after pregnancy. She had lost her fetus because her ex-husband had hit her in the stomach before.. More

  • Is a woman required to lower her gaze from a man wearing tight jeans, even if she feels no desire?

    Assalaamu Alaikum,I have a question regarding the lowering of the gaze for a woman. Is she required to lower her gaze if a man is wearing tight jeans even if she feels no desire for him? Will she be sinful if she does? If you can answer this question, it will be of great help, thank you and may Allah SWT bless you... More

  • Does one need to repeat a past prayer where he unintentionally committed riya (showing off) before he knew about its ruling, but has since repented?

    Aslamu Alaykum. I was once praying and I made the sin of riya by beautifing my voice for someone elee that was not Allah during that salah. I did this before I found out what riya actually is as I did not know at the time that there was a ruling regarding riya. This was a long time ago and I gained more knowlege and I repented from it Alhamdulilah... More

  • Repentance and Marriage: A Path to Virtue in Islam

    I'm a 26-year-old man who was engaged for 6 years. Six months before our wedding, I cheated on my fiancée with my cousin. She found out, and her parents and mine initially agreed to the wedding, because I repented but she lost the trust in me for 4 months. She's now willing to forgive me, but my parents don't support the marriage anymore, they fear.. More

  • Used his neighbor Wi-Fi without permission, what should he do?

    Salaam, I am using my neighbor wi-fi without their permission I just got password somehow, I have downloaded videos and other applications by using their wi-fi my question is can I delete. all that or I can watch whatever I have downloaded, I am not using their wi-fi anymore. .. More

  • Repenting from watching prohibited things and masturbating

    Assalamualaikum please I have a question I am 24years old and I have been addicted to masturbation and I have stopped it cause I watch porn a lot and now I am now trying to leave it and Allah know my heart I want to stop it but now I don't do it but when I wake up to ease my self like to urinate I feel a white-yellow fluid come out immediately when.. More

  • Guidance on Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness for Zina (Adultery)

    Assalumualaikum,I'm a 25 year old woman, till last few month I never indulged in any kind of haram relationship.... I've a non Muslim friend and he forced himself on me, I didn't confide about it with time we met we had an Intercourse, I wasn't completely into it but still let it happen. Now I'm feeling really ashamed and disgusted.. More

  • Repentance from Zina and ruling on abortion before the ensoulment of the fetus

    I have committed Zina with a Non-Mulim girl and she is 35 days pregnant. We don’t plan to marry. Is it permissible to get the foetus aborted? If not then what is the ruling on taking care of the mother before the child is born? Do I have to pay for her house rent and monthly expenses until the child is born? And what is the ruling on taking care of.. More

  • It is not permissible to disclose previous sins

    Salam Alaykum. I hope you are all doing well. Currently I am in a dilema as I am currently engaged to a righteous Muslima and she has stipulated that she wants someone that has never commited Zina (sexual intercourse) as she herself is chaste. Alhamduilah, I have never commited Zina nor have I ever been in a haram relationship. However, in the past,.. More

  • Beware of showing off

    Asalamu alaykom. If things are done for other than the sake of Allah, will we be punished? For example, if someone performs salah and does it to show off to try to impress people, will he have to repeat all his prayers as they weren’t for the right intention? Is there anything like a dua we can do to help keep our intentions pure? Please advise and.. More

  • Stole from his grandmother's money, what should he do?

    Two years ago when I was 16 I was hanging out with some people who had a negative impact on me, I was stealing from my grandmother to hang out with them because I had no money and I was embarrassed if I told them that and I was afraid that they would leave me, and the amount got bigger and bigger and bigger. Also with some of the money, I bought a phone.. More

  • Ruling on sins committed before reaching puberty

    SalamI have done something very haram to my brothers when I was 12 or 13 years old. I touched their private part. One of them has autism and was awake, and the other does not have autism and was sleeping. I did not know it was haram back then. I also can't tell him what I did because he will probably hate me forever..what should I do?..I'm scared that.. More

  • Wants to commit suicide due to a disease

    Assalam Alaikum, I am from India and I am 23 years old man. When I was child, I am normal like other children but when I was in teenage, many hairs grow up on my face (like dog or monkey), I have many hairs on my whole face (like dog or monkey). This hairy disease name is werewolf syndrome.Everyone says me, you are doggy-boy Or monkey-man. I have decided.. More

  • Repentance from Transgressing the Rights of People

    I used to eat haram food earlier Now I am trying to give those whose rights I have lost, will my prayers be accepted? .. More

  • The meaning of excessiveness

    Assalamy alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. What is excesiveness in Islam? How to know how much activity (be it religious or wordly) is too much? Is it a sin to do certain activities till your exhaustion? .. More