How do you deal with evil people who want to defame your name and position in society by slandering and backbiting you? What is the best way to ensure that truth will prevail over their falsehood? I'd really appreciate your comments and advice... More
What’s the Du’a that makes a person loves you?.. More
In my country after the September 11th incident my boss, a non-Muslim, always asks about our pure religion and disgraces it. He likes to askwhy are Muslims terrorists, fanatics and extremists. Due to this whenever I go for my daily prayers Ido not ask his permission, but Ifulfill my duties,and do not neglect my job. Am I doing what is correct?.. More
Please name some of the best books of Tafseer, Seerah of Prophet, history of previous Prophets, companions and early scholars of Islam... More
I want to ask about few of my psychological problems which are disturbing me a lot. I hope your answers and guidance in the light of Islam will put my mind at ease, lift my depression and put my mind in order. 1) I feel very angry and frustrated towards my parents especially towards my father, the way they brought me up, the atmosphere in the home,.. More
I amasking a question on behalf of a friend. Recently my friend experienced a dream that was disturbing.While trying to wake up from the dreamhe felt like there was weight being pressed uponhis whole body andhewas unable to move andunable to open his eyes. After reciting a few Surahs and the Kalmahhe wasable to move and returned to normal functioning... More
I behave extremely irrationally, get very angry, upset, and argue with my husband around the time of my periods. I get extremely depressed and this is causing me great concern. How can I apologize to my husband, and how can I solve this problem? I need help... More
Can you tell me what is Burdah? People tell me that they attend every Thursday from evening till late. They read Qur’an and sing praises commemorating Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Only Men are allowed to attend though women do go but in secluded corners. They say Kanzus are a must- we all have to wear them on every Thursday. It.. More
If a wife neglects her husband unintentionally during Ramadan and he isn't pleased with what she does, e.g. spends more time in reading Qur'an and performing prayers and making Du’a during the night, will Allah still accept her prayers and Du’a?.. More
What is the duty of a man and a woman regarding their in-laws. It is found that many of them, although they have very good Islamic etiquette, etc., still hate their in-laws for no reason. Please explainin light ofQuran and Hadis about the duty of daughter/son to their in-laws in Islam. .. More
Is it wrong to have a feeling of brotherhood towards someone who is not my real brother?.. More
If I see bad-looking girls in the market? What is my sin?.. More
I am a married lady with three children. I live with my husband away from home, Egypt. My problem is back in Egyptwhere my only brother is a drug addict. He was put in hospital for 6 times and every time he comes out and is fine for some time.Then he takes this drug which changes him and his life. He gets like a wild creature breaking everything... More
Please give me some advice on how to deal with people who write offensive posts in forums about me and the best way to avenge myself without transgressing the limits of Allah. .. More
Identify five acts that will cause a person to be cursed by Allah... More
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