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Assalaamu alaykum dear Brother in Islam. I have the following query: If a woman accuses someone of rape while she does not have four witnesses and the accused does not confess having committed rape or adultery, will the woman be punished for slander of adultery (had-e-quzuf)? Please answer with evidence from the Sunnah. I have researched lots of Fiqh.. More
What is the ruling on someone who said to his wife, "(O illegitimate daughter)"? Can she ask for implementing the prescribed corporal punishment on him or not?
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I am a final-year university student. I am successful and religiously committed; praise be to Allaah Almighty. However, some imprudent people accused my honor . None of them has the courage to confront me as I understand from their way that they want to distort my fame. Someone of them says: “I saw her naked.” Some other says: “She smokes.”.. More
What is the ruling on someone who accused another of Zina (fornication/adultery) via modern mass media, such as a newspaper. Please support your answer with proofs?
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I have repeatedly seen a girl speaking with a young man who has no legal relationship with her, and I told one of my friends about that. Is this considered slander against a chaste women?
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I am a 21 year-old-girl. I am about to marry, by the permission of Allaah Almighty. The problem is that I was raped many times while I was young. No one of my family knows that. I have told my future husband and he accepted this fact. However, he has doubts about my truthfulness because I have not told my mother. He suspects that not telling her about.. More
One of my relatives denies that I am the son of my father without a valid reason, can I boycott him? Can the case be taken to a Sharee'ah court, taking into consideration that he was extremely infuriated when he said that?
On the other hand, what is the ruling on a Muslim who went to church with a Christian woman in order for her to offer the prayer,.. More
When I was a child, my mother used to host a man in her house, and it was known that the devil was their companion and tempted that man into having unlawful sexual intercourse with her. I was young and afraid of all things. I hate my mother and do not know what to do given the fact that she raised us after my father died. After I have grown up, this.. More
What is the ruling of calling someone who is non Muslim "gay" without accusing him of adultery?
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34yrs married, accused of doing Zena with men as old as my boys, no proof he has put hidden cameras and tape recorders, check emails my phone. my sons don't know what to do they have discussed with him, this as kufr. My husband is a good man, very religious all of sudden he has he started this 5 yrs ago pl help I am getting sick, he divorced once than.. More
ISSUE - 2 I had found out about my wife illegal relations with the man who she made a vakil, that is my second marriage and her third marriage. I also found few confirmed and alleged affairs with few men during her earlier two marriages too despite of living with her husband’s. Now, I have confirmed deeds about all her illicit relations before my.. More
What is the rule on calling fellow muslim 'Mujrim'
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Is it defamation, by a man to challenge an unmarried woman, in writing and publish it, that she is not virgin and be medically examined to prove her virginity? Please reply at the earliest... More
I am doing a research on "women being accused of Zina"(Al-ghazf)Would you please send me articles explaining the views of sunnah in this regard?.. More
Is it lawful in Islam to take revenge on those who spread unfounded rumours against Muslims?.. More
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