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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question that has been bothering me. I witnessed a shooting that resulted in a murder, and I called the police right after the incident. Now the police wants me to testify, and I can not remain anonymous if I do so, so being a witness in this case may put me in a very dangerous situation, as gangs were involved in the shooting,.. More
Assalaam-alikum, my question is about "Judge as witness in Islam"example; Judge who was seen his own eye attacks and murder, full scenes. if Judge sees all those is he able to fish the case by himself as a witness or testimony?
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selemoen eleikoum sheykuna, What are the conditions of a witness? I married and my witnesses wear people: - who shave their beards? - one doesn't pray all his prayers in time? - they all had isbaal, pants below ancles? If i read the conditions of witnesses that they must be adl and have no mistakes i fear that nobody his marriage in my direct surrounding.. More
Assalam-u-Alaikum! I have 2 questions. We tried reading in other fatwas, but first Jawab we couldn't find. I work in company in europe and many workers are also Muslim. My friend stay late one day and other worker also stay at the end. They to wrok together, he got drink to her and she says then started to come close and touch her. She say she tried.. More
Can the father of either the bride or bridegroom be a witness in their marrage
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can the qazi, who is conducting the nikah of a person, and who is well known to this person, also act as one of the two witnesses of this nikah?.. More
Is it necessary to have 2 women witness in every legal a fair or just in financial matters?.. More
I wanted to know the opinion of Shariah about this condition a girl she was raped by a man the girl wanted to the police where she was referred to the medical center to do complete examination to her where they found signs of bad handling and force on her body in addition to the semen of the man who raped the girl in her vagina, and then was referred.. More
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