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Assalamu aleykum va rahmatullah!As we know, it is forbidden to travel to non-muslim countries for purposes of tourism or unless there is a valid shari' excuse.1- What if a country that you want to travel to is a non-muslim country, but it has a region or some regions inside itself where only or mostly muslims live? Is travel for tourism to this region.. More
What is the ruling on applying for a passport for a woman to travel for pleasure to some countries that allow sinning and evil behavior? Is it permissible for (male) passport officers to look at her photograph? Some young husbands travel with their wives to these countries immediately after their marriage (honeymoon). What is your opinion?.. More
Peace be upon you, Is it permissible for Muslims to travel in vacation to different countries such like Dubai, Syria, Turkey, Sweden etc. to enjoy holidays? But in some countries like Sweden we find unusual climatic condition and hence it remains night for 6 months and day 6 months. I wonder how could it be possible to pray obligatory prayer at these.. More
Assalamlikum , i am getting married insha allaha in next Month , i want to Know about Honey moon .as i planed to go with her 3 to 4 days Like kashmir .in islam it is allowed or not if allowed is there any limitation s?.. More
What is the Islamic point of view of going to the Dead Sea for fun, i.e. to swim and to have a vacation?.. More
Can Muslims visit a Church to see the American culture, only seeing the Church as a museum?
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Tourism is very important business, especially for countries that do not have other financial means, for example, tunisia. However, we know that tourism brings foreigners with bad habits, like bad clothes and alcohol. What is the Islamic view on this matter?.. More
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