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Is it permissible to play online video games with 1 or more non mahram girls on the internet if we do not chat with them?
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Does bad histories like chat history or video history in youtube has to be delete.d?.
I mean example is like i ever have online chats that contain sin or even kufr, and of course the chat history is still there that i can look at it again.
Or maybe i ever watch sinful video on youtube, and the history is there that i ever watched it.
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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah, may Allah's blessings be upon you
I have that have caused me a trouble in my mind. Can we as a muslim have fun? If so, then can you explain what does this hadeeth means?
عن معاذ ابن جبل أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لما بعث به إلى اليمن قال له إياك والتنعم.. More
Asalamu alaikum. I have a bunch of Islamic lectures I want to upload to YouTube but am a little bit worried about the ads as some have haram content music etc. Will I get a sin for the ads that play when people watch my videos
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Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to ask whether going to the circus to watch animal shows there is halal or haram? I have studied the situation of such animals, and usually they are mistreated, they are not supported with enough space for their life, sometimes they are deprived of food, and they are usually beaten and forced to make all this "show"... More
What is fun fair in Islam? Is there any such detail regarding fun fair?
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