Assalamu alaikum My mom migrated to Morocco when I was young and my father stayed in the USA.Now, I just graduated from high school and I want to return to the USA to study medicine because the medical school here in Morocco is very bad.Unfortunatly,my father doesn't want to let me return to the USA even though he lives there.My father is a non-practicing.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, What is the ruling on hanging wind chimes. Is the noise they make considered music? Are they like bells? Moreover, in the past, they were used with the intention to ward off ill omens. Is it permissible to hang them without having that intention? Jazak Allah khair .. More
Assalamu alaikum. I made hijrah from a kafir country with my family at the cost of great personal sacrifice and hardship. Some brothers now claim that it would have been more beneficial to stay in the kafir land and that there is no compulsion to make hijrah because, they say, the hadith in which Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says, "I am.. More
My husband is planing to immigrate from Canada to Arabie Saudi .one men promise him to help him for getting his visa and my husband will pay him for that . After getting his visa my husband will go their to look for a job or to start a small business .After that he will sponsor me .I don't know how long it will take .I love my husband a lot and it is.. More
salam,in my country,they believe that if someone died but,his time has not yet been reach,(he was kill,etc),the ghost is going to travel to another place,to start a new life there and if anybody that knew him before he died then see him,he will then dissapear question is that,should we muslims,believe in this? and also they believe that.. More
salam May Allah Blees u . i Have some question in my mind and i wana to clear that.In u one of the fatwa i read that to celebrate birthday is not permitted by the Islam. i want to ask where Allah has restained muslims to come close and to celebrate the happiness.My question is why we always on the arguemnet that its the festival of non-muslims.why.. More
Salam, I want to ask whether wearing stones is allowed in Islam or not. By stones i mean stones like Ruby, etc which people claim to have effect on human lives. If some person will wear it but keeping faith in Allah is it allowed in that regard. As i have to say it to some other person, please give references otherwise he may not agree with the.. More
Assalamu Alaikum. I am a Muslim living in Minnesota, and my family has made it tradition to make a turkey dinner ever year on Thanksgiving Day. I was wondering if such an act is considered Haram. My siblings tell me that we do it on Thanksgiving Day because it's one of the few days throughout the year in which the whole family is off from work/school... More
My cousin is having a ceremony for his daughter and I'm invited. He called it a Bi-yat and said it was like a baptism.What is it and what are my responsibilities to his child? Thank you.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I live in Canada, and some of my family lives in south Asia. For the Eid -Al Adha, I have been sending money back home to my brother to do Tadhya for me and my wife there. But I came across some Ahadith that Tadhya before the Eid prayer does not count. My brother does the Tadhya after he prays, but the Eid in there happens around 12.. More