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When asked who created the heavens and the earth and controls things, what was the answer given by the Meccan polytheists?.. More
As Salaamu Alaikum.If a person goes and search for songs or movie that contains kufr or shirk content but he only watches them and not belive in it will it be a minor shirk or minor kufr please specify.I asked a Sheikh about this he said it depends upon intention and Can mount to minor kufr. For instance if a person watcthes or listen something contains.. More
Someone did major shirk called “shirk in love”. The person got to know that that is a major shirk. The person felt like their nafs was wicked
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Many people put boards outside homes saying "Ma Sha Allah/Ma Sha Allah La Quwwata Illa Billah" believing that this protects them from evil eye. Is it minor shirk if they believe it is a means of protection from Allah and it's major shirk if they believe it protects them without attributing the protection being from Allah?Does the difference in opinion.. More
Assalamualaikum,There are some negative stereotypes about a certain group of people whom are good sunni muslims. For some of those people , the stereotype is somethat true, but alot of them the stereotype on them is not true. What if a person feels that he will be negatively be affected by those people if he dresses like them( i.e. by fearing that he.. More
If one is unsure if something is shirk meaning it could be or not be shirk. But one says to himself if this was proven to be shirk he would abandon it and so continues to do the action which he has not received an answer for. Is this intention in itself shirk because it has not been proven if the specific action is known to be shirk.
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I'm born muslim 18 years old. but few years ago something really bad happen in my life. and that was damage my life very much. at that time I loose faith in Alllah. coz my dua was not answering. I also quit Islam. I become kafir. And also insult Allah and and Islam in my mind. I Also spoke bad language, abuse and obscenities word against Allah. One.. More
Salamualikum! Hope you can clarify my confusion . I want to ask about to what extent does fearing people become shirk . They say that : if you fear people and stop you good deeds when people are not there is shirk . Such type of incidents happen with me . Example : The masjid where I go , sometimes I go before azan . I was sitting and waiting for iqamah.. More
What is hidden shirk? How can it affect subconscious mind?
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Assalam Alaikum, What a girl should do if her family insists her to go to dargah and if she reply in no then their is a chance of fitna so what she do if ? Can she go with her family but thier she will not pray to grave and make sajdah.Same question a girl asked me and I reply that you should say no but if they force you then go.
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Does Allah forgive minor Shirk (polytheism) if a believer dies with this sin unrepeated?
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I shared a video posted by someone which shows a sting operation disclosing such-and-such to be liable for a Muslim massacre, but these are old clips, and the culprit has now been set free by the supreme court, so I immediately deleted the video thinking that I might face a legal notice of defamationion of that individual, as he has been given a clean.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. Is the belief that Allah has a son (as Christians claim) or a daughter (as the tribe of Quraysh believed) Shirk (associating partners with Allah) in Ruboobiyyah (Lordship) or Shirk in Asmaa wa Sifaat (Divine Names and Attributes)? Please do not refer to other fatwas.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding verse 2:165 in the Quran. In this verse, Allaah talks about loving others as they love Allaah. What does this mean? If someone is in a haram relationship while knowing that it is haram and does not end it, does that mean that he loves that person as he loves Allaah, or is he safe from disbelief as long.. More
I wear the hijab given that I am Muslim, but I do apply lipstick, not with the intention to adorn myself, but in order to avoid the stares and undue attention that people give me, as well as theirquestioning me as to whether I am feeling well or not because of my pale lips and ill look. I know that it is a sin to do so, but am I commiting minor Shirk.. More
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