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1223 fatwas

  • Standing behind the Imaam when praying alone with him

    assalamu alaikum, my question is, when two people is making a jamaat, only two people, so should they stand together in one line or should one who is leading the prayer should be a step ahead. plzzz let me know because i hav seen many time tht whn two people making jamaat the one who is leading is a step ahead. thnank you .. More

  • Wants to issue a monthly journal about Islam and distribute it in the streets

    Assalam Alaikum, I am a muslim live in Canada, I have an idea of doing monthly journal about islam and spread it on the streets. I know many people will through these journals in the garbage. since these journals contain the name of Allah and his prophit is that ok to put my idea in practice?.. More

  • A new Muslim having poor relations with his non-Muslim children

    as salamo alaykum. My questions concerns the my relationships with older non Muslim children. Since accepting Islam some years and I recently made hijrah to a Islamic country; one child imparticular has caused me so much grief from lies and treacherous and deceitful acts; does the shari'ah support breaking all contact with non Muslim children who hurt.. More

  • As-Saabooni’s and Al-Jazaa’iri’s interpretations of Quran

    salam,What your opinion about these two T afaaser?{ safawat tafaaser by Al saabooni & Aisariy tafaaser by Abubakar jabiree jaz areen].. More

  • Getting a master’s degree at an all-girl college in English literature

    Is it halal for a muslim women to do masters at home in English Literature. Privately meaning studing by herself and only going to college (all girls) to write exmas. There is no mixing of men. and she will get a masters so she can teach her own kids at home then... More

  • Muslim sisters wearing attractive colourful Hijab

    Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Dear Scholar, I live in London, UK. Alhamdulillah more and more sisters are wearing Hijab in my area. However, I fear about one thing, the Burkah or Jilbab they wear is attractive and could distract opposite sex. They contain many types of colours, design, etc. Please advice us as brother and to thses sister who are the.. More

  • Performing the Friday prayer when it is raining or snowing

    Assalamo alaykum wa rahmato Allah My question is in regards to an incident that occurred in The Islamic Center of Boulder located in Colorado, USA. Due to harsh weather conditions (heavy snow), the Islamic Center announced that Friday prayer will be canceled two consecutive weeks. Some Muslims, however, live close to the masjid and could make it to.. More

  • Voting to parties that oppose Islam

    My question is, if one of party openly denyed the teachings of islam. Whatever instructions given by the Sharia, and one muslim party is opposing it, how do u see? will it be correct to vote them and select them even we knew that they are oppossing Islam? I will appreciate if you can put some light on it, I intentially didn't mention party name to avoid.. More

  • Their neighbour sends them gifts but they doubt that his income is lawful

    Salam alaikum our neighbour gives us a lot of ths foodstuffs & other ths..but we're sure that he, as a policeman, gets money and other foodstuffs from people. we don't know wether he gets them as gift or bribe. we accept his wife's presents but we dnt eat anyth?is this correct?is it allowed to give that as alms to people instead of throwing it away?.. More

  • Islam protects the wife's right in enjoyment and satisfaction

    It is recommended in Islam for men to marry virgin women. "Marry virgins for they have sweeter mouths, more productive wombs and are more pleased with less”. But for women it is recommended not to refuse a man because of their age and marital status (if he is already married) women even have got no right object if her husbands want to have more wives... More

  • Performing prayer and ablution while knotting his hair with ties

    Salaam u alaikum wr wb I was planning to get my hair braided into small platts all over as it is getting long towards my shoulders but as when they platt/braid it they usually tie the ends of the braids/platts to keep it from separating with a piece of string or a piece of plastic or something similar - my question was would that effect my prayer since.. More

  • Wants to know why she is not forgiven by Allaah

    this muslim girl who had been committed of embezzlement and she was very young at that age. being 15 and in the childish behaviour she took some money from her employer without informing him. later the employer found out and he told her to pay all that money. which her parents did and all went fine after that. but now after 5 years she still is very.. More

  • Has to choose between the religious study in his Muslim country and the worldly study in the West

    Assalamalaikum I am a student of grade 11th and completing my studies. I am having two options now for further studies -either to U.S.A. or for Alim course in Imam university in riyadh,Saudi Arabia. If i will go to U.S.A i can do my studies and i can also go through islamic books. I can do both in that case. But if i will chose for going to imam university.. More

  • Ruling on fireworks

    Are fire works haram?I heard from my dad that they are haram because you are worshipping fire and the devil. Please quote from hadith or qur'an if they are I need to know as I told someone they are haraam and they want proof!i also heard that it is wasting your money (i cant remember the name you call it) Thanks .. More

  • His wife wants to travel abroad to memorize the Quran

    My question is, Recently my wife wanted to go abroad to byheart Quran, but she do have alternatives, i mean there are places here in her place. but she says shes not happy about that places. she wont be staying with her family or a mahram during her stay in abroad. There is no possibility that i can go with her. So can u please comment in this... More