I was pregnanat in the second month and my husband had forced me to have an abortion. What is the rule of Islam in this case... More
I am working as an Instrument technician in company-A. I have recently started a part time business after my job hours for marketing of services of another company-B. The business of both the companies are entirely different. I made an agreement with company-B that if I bring a customer for you, you will give me 20% of the service charges you receive.. More
Even though play station is Haram, are we allowed to sell it and not use the money but put it in Sadaqa?.. More
What is the ruling about the group called "Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah" who are known by the name of "Wahabi"?.. More
Respected brother I have an imported male persian cat which is with me for 3 yrs now . I take very gud care of it but my question is will it be a sin for me to keep d cat away from its female company . I cannot get another female cat as it will cost me 10000 to 150000 rupees and secondly these persian cats require extra care for grooming etc ..Their.. More
What is the Islamic ruling regarding treatment of women at beauty parlors? What else is Haram (except removing eye-brow hairs)? Please clarify so that we may stop doing them... More
I'm an American Muslim who doesn't speak Arabic. Can I make (Du'a), e.g. when entering the bathroom or hearing the thunder in English or must I say it in Arabic? Can I read the Qur'an in English? I have one with both English and Arabic, but I just started learning Arabic... More
I want to know is it ok if I am in USA and every one have female friends and it is just friends but sometimes touching happens, is it bad?.. More
Is it permissible for my husband to masturbate over me, without me actually touching him and swallow his sperm? Is it also permissible for my husband to place his erect penis between my breasts, to hold them and masturbate?.. More
I am learning. So, I delay all prayers and perform them at home all together. How should I perform them?.. More
Is it Haram/Halal to use a soap that contains gelatin?.. More
I work in a carpet store where the rugs include some animal designs. In addition we sell toys in images of bears and the alpaca, the animal whose wool we use in the rugs. My religious friend told me that the animal's designs is example of creation of Allah and he said that there's more problem because some customers buy this rugs not only for the floor.. More
I have question about cosmetic materials use for eyes in the workplace... More
1. Please provide me with 10 references of Fiqh, 5 modern and 5 classical.2. Please name two major Assemblies of Fiqh dealing with contemporary issues in Fiqh... More
My friend's wife is pregnant 4 weeks. She gave birth to her last baby 6 months ago. Her last pregnancy was quite traumatic and painful and she is very uneasy about going through with this one. In this situation, is it permissible to terminate the pregnancy by means of the 'morning after pill' or any other means? If it is not permissible, can you please.. More
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