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1223 fatwas

  • Sisters kissing their brothers

    Is it permissible for a sister to put her hand around her brother's neck and kiss him? I think this is Haraam and to love brothers we need not kiss or hug. What is the Islamic viewpoint? .. More

  • Her friends wear Hijab but fail to act Islamicly

    Lately a lot of my friends and almost every Islam teen am seeing are all wearing Niqaab (eye-veil) and is bothering me very much! Don't misunderstand me what I mean is that I love them for representing us and all Al-hamdulillaah, but my problem that their warring it and cursing, fighting, dating, talking to guys, touching them I've seen it all... More

  • She had a son by Zina

    I'm having some serious issues. About three years ago I got pregnant by a Muslim brother and we were not married. Instead of him being a man and helping me out with this situation he ran and left the country. I decided to get an abortion. But on the day that I went I felt that Allaah was giving me signs. The doctor was a Muslim and so was the nurse... More

  • Questions of the unseen

    Is there anything more powerful and evil than the Shaytan (devil)? Do Angels ever pass away (die)? Will Angels get punished? What does it mean, when you think of Islam, when your deep sleep, and you cry? Can the dead see us? .. More

  • Calculating Nisaab for Zakat by an international standard

    Is the Nisaab of Zakaat different for different countries? Should it be the same for a person of Somalia where most of the country is below the UN established poverty line and for Switzerland, where hardly anyone is below the poverty line? The Nisaab set by Mohammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, for the camel, the goats and the gold, all were.. More

  • Describing Allaah's Attributes

    Sometimes I read poems of Muslims. They write things like God is beauty God is truth, but as converted Muslim one of the philosophical ideas who made me Muslim (it is of course Allaah Who guided me) is the principle that we only know about God that what he gave us from knowledge about Him (Aayat Al-Kursiyy). My question: Can we say God is beauty?.. More

  • Questioning the degree of sinfulness for not wearing Hijab

    I was wondering that if I don't put on a veil, scarf, is it counted as one sin altogether or is it that each time a man sees me without Hijaab a sin? I'm trying and hopefully I want to wear it soon, but I'm always afraid that I would end up taking it off again and it would be considered even more Haraam for me that way, and I even think.. More

  • Accepting extra money from a loan repayment

    I have lend some money to a person in need. That person wants to give some extra money in return to me when she'll return my money back because I helped her in her time of need. Is it o.k. for me to take that extra money and use it or should I give it as Sadaqah? .. More

  • Accepting European values when living in Europe

    What is your stance on accepting European values if you reside in Europe? .. More

  • Women not praying during menses

    Please my sister asks me, why is that women doing pray when they are in their period (menses). I don't know what to tell her. .. More

  • Her husband refuses to provide her with her own accommodation

    I am married and living with in-laws. I know it is my right to have a house of own. I've told my husband that I want to a house of our own but he has refused. In the house there are two young men in the house and I feel very uncomfortable because I am a practicing sister. What should I do? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Named his daughter 'Na'ilah'

    I have my first daughter who is 7 months old. I kept her name Nailah as per my intuition or my liking towards that name inspite of opposition from my parents and my Wife. Initially my daughter brought me very good luck and fortune, Al-hamdulillaah. But of late things are not working with us properly. Sometimes when I think that I should change his.. More

  • Explanation of a Hadeeth

    Is there a Hadeeth of theProphet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, which states that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, Allaah in one of his dreams in the shape of a young man with gold bangles in his arms? .. More

  • His father works in the insurance business

    My father is working in Insurance Company. He is working as a manager. Now I have asked him to come out of that organization which is not permissible in Islam. I need to know the following: The income what he has earned in the 20-25 years - is allowed or not. Also what is the solution to get ride of this? Please do Du'a so that I could ask my.. More

  • Meaning of extreme weather conditions

    What does it mean when there is a storm rain, snow, tornado, hurricane, are these signs of anger from Allaah? .. More