Selected Fatwa

I'm a new Muslim who lives in Japan. I'm Japanese. Can you please tell me what is the lawful and unlawful of food? I mean what kind of food is lawful and what kinds is unlawful, in detail, please?.. More
I like to listen to the recitation of the Holy Qur'an and always play the audio tapes of selected Surahs from the Holy Qur'an. But one Mufti told me, I won't get any blessings from Allah for listening to the recitation because of audio tapes. Please give me some advice... More
Is it possible if we were to Sadaqah our good deeds to a person who has passed away after we have done the good deed, without having that Nawaitu when we do that good deed? Like sometimes when I read the Qur'an, I do not have the intention to read it for somebody who passed away. But maybe a month later I remember, and in my Du'a I ask so that my rewards.. More
One of the group of people who will be in the shade of Allah's Arasy during Qiyamah is men who says no for the sake of Allah to a woman who invites them to adultery. Does this apply to women as well? I heard maybe not because women are easier to control their desires than men? Is this true?.. More
I am a born Muslim. But due to our secular education system, the government does not emphasize a seeking knowledge of Islam. Subjects such as learning Arabic is not emphasised. As a result we grow up as mediocre Muslims who are not well-versed in the language of al-Qur'an. What a pity. What is the ruling on a Muslim who prays but does not understand.. More
I have been talking to my mother lately and we both were wondering, if both of us get a tattoo in a place where no one can see, so it is not attracting any attention, is it Haram? We were also wondering, if Insha Allah we do get one, which material or method should it be? For example, I know it has to be a woman making it and is it true that it should.. More
Is the yellow colour garment Haram for the Muslim women to wear?.. More
What is the difference between Hadith which is graded as Saheeh and Hadith whose chain is Saheeh?.. More
I want to open account in Islamic bank, with an interest, is it contradicting with the Islam (profit sharing is lawful interest is not) rules?.. More
Someone asked me whether or not a Muslim would only have to be 51% good to enter Paradise when we were discussing the balancing of the good and bad deeds on the Day of Judgement. Please give me some more information on that because I was unable to answer that question... More
I have read the following Hadith in a book but it did not mention the reference of the Hadith. On the Day of Resurrection", Allah Ta'ala resurrects all the dead people. Then Angels will question one by one, first of all they will enquire about Prayers. Some people will say, (1) because of lot of children we had no time to pray. (2) Some will say, we.. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim to build a church?.. More
Is it obligatory to perform prayer in socks?
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Can you please tell me if a husband is allowed to be present whilst his wife is giving labor at the hospital? Whatever the outcome, could you please provide some evidence?.. More
What is the importance of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to Muslims?.. More
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