happen to hear a hadeeth saying one is supposed to sit down combing ones hair. If you stand and comb your hair a debt will befall on you and you will never overcome your debt. I do not find it as a sound hadeeth. The kitab is of Yusuf Nabhani is there any reference to it
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
It is not true that the Prophet forbade combing while standing up or that whoever violates this prohibition he will become indebted; rather, this was stated in a fabricated Hadeeth.
Ash-Shawkaani said in al-Fawaa'id al-Majmoo’ah:
“Ibn ‘Adiy narrated about ‘Aa’ishah that the Prophet
said that whoever combs while standing up he will be befallen by debts, and it is a fabricated Hadeeth.” [End of quote]
Ibn al-Jawzi said in his book, Al-Mawdhoo’aat (The Fabricated Ahadeeth), “This is a fabricated Hadith on the Prophet and its Isnaad (chain of narrators) includes al-Harawi, who is al-Juwaybaari, and Abu al-Bakhtari, who is Wahab ibn Wahab, who are both liars and they fabricate Ahadeeth.” [End of quote]
Therefore, this Hadeeth is a lie on the Prophet . Indeed, the Prophet
said: “Telling a lie about me is not like telling a lie about anyone else. Whoever deliberately tells lies about me, let him take his place in Hellfire.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
For more benefit on telling lies on the Prophet please refer to Fataawa 370864 and 306454.
Allah knows best.
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