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Alsalam AlaykumI have a non-mahram friend who I have met through the social media app, Instagram. We are getting to know each other as friends. He's currently living in Mali, my homeland because of money problems on coming back to America. We always kept it friendly and halal. Now being 5 months into the friendship, I feel like this can be the guy I.. More
Asalamualaikum. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to ask this. May Allah increase you in knowledge. I am a 24year old lady and I’m planning on getting married soon. I have been with this brother for eight years now and now that we’re ready to settle down he recently told me that he’d like to have another wife in the future and I’m.. More
Sheikh, I married a woman who was married with another man, he divorced her at her request. Now I have 3 children with that lady. Question is have I done unjustice with my wife's ex-housband? Or I have to divorce her now and return her to his ex housband?
Second question is: I was 21 years old I had a sexual relationship with a woman who was happily.. More
i am a 23 years old man, i have met a non Muslim girl online and we kept chatting for a while . I discovered that she was interested in Islam so i kept talking to her about Islam and answering her questions thinking i am doing something good for me and for her because her family is not Muslims and she have no Muslim friends, anyway.. More
Assalamu alaikum, A good single muslim man was working with me and since i was single, he proposed to me. We did Isthikhara and we got engaged as everything was easy and smooth. A few month down the line his mother now found him another girl and asked him to do isthikhara. during this time we got close and started having feelings for each other. He.. More
May Allah give you reward for answering this question. I was in a haram relationship with a girl for years though we never had any physical relation. Due to his family pressure, the girl broke up with me, but I don't want to leave the relationship and want to make it as a marriage. I invested so much money and time into that and have.. More
Alsalam alikum , I am a Muslim young man who lived in Europe and met a new Muslim girl we decided to get married, we told our families and they both agreed for the marriage and because we lived in a very systematic European country. The country had to do a lot of research before the allow us to get married (because I am not European) so our marriage.. More
Is it permissible to play online video games with 1 or more non mahram girls on the internet if we do not chat with them?
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Is it permissible to have a private chat with a non mahram women for a need? Or it must be in a group chat where others is watching?. I dont to it for fun or to have friend, but sometimes some stuff like debt are shameful to talk in a group chat. If yes do this apply to all needs or only which is shameful to talk in group chat?. I mean how about trading,.. More
I'm 25 years old . I love a woman age 40years divorced ..I want to marry her .but my parents not allowing me to marry her ..we want to do secret marriage ...can I perform nikah kutbah myself without walijQuery111006862770532877345_1550910185427
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Asalaamo-Alaikum. I have a question regarding intimate relationships (Zina’a). I was married only once, had a Khula’a one year ago, and never once had any inappropriate relationships prior to marriage (or after) until two weeks ago. I have always stayed true to Allah (SWT), however, I’m worried my actions with this person, who is a non-Muslim,.. More
Is it fine or permissible to greet women colleagues at work? Just to tell them salam.I used to not to talk to women and always keep my gaze down, but sometimes i feel that was rude from me ans i should have greeted them, even if they were women.And what if they start greeting me is it permissible for me to reply to them? Thanks and jazzakalallah kheira.
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Assalamulykum..i want to know if a couple were involved in kissing hugging and phone and cyber sex...but in real they didn't had any sexual intercourse..rather they used to to phone or cyber sex ..The couple is married now.but they didn't repent before their marriage. Is their marriage is valid? Do they have to make a new contract..again? As i heard.. More
Salamualikum wr wb. My wife is pregnant after about 5 months of marriage. Before we met we were involved in Zina. We repented and we got married. After I married I had doubts about this marriage, is it valid or not, because one of the witnesses did not pray and also we did not wait for the required time to make sure she was not pregnant. My question.. More
Al salamu allukumDoes god forgive sinners even during/after punishing them?me and a friend of mine who are met in university have fallen in love and we promised to get married and we told our parents and they asked us to wait for after graduating. But we have sinned and weren’t patient and now his parents are not accepting me because of my family’s.. More
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