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I am a practicing muslim. I am a privet tutor. I teach students at their home. I usually teach mathematics. I have a student of class 8. And in class 8's math text book there is chapter of interest( which is based on calculating riba, profit percentage etc.). Is it permissible for me to teach this chapter to my student? If not then how should i continue.. More
Asalamu alykum, May Allah reward you immensely for your work. Currently I am working in an export firm, which discounts every of it export bills for payment to supplier and employees, further it avails all the export refinance scheme from SBP and also invests in Treasury bills and term depsits. I am managing finance of the company.please advise regarding.. More
Assalamualaikum, One of my friend is about to get married, she and her fiance is connected through WhatsApp and they are trying to know each other. One day her fiance asked her whether she's having an ex and she's Virgin or not? Even he's telling her to swear on Allah and to tell him that she's virgin. Now the problem is if she cannot tell him the truth.. More
Hi I exchanged currency from my bank but my bank applies this rule on currency exchange on the weekends is this Riba and if I had a strong feeling that this is riba but was not compeletely sure am i still sinful for consuming Riba in this case.
the bank rule on currency exchange at weekends is as follows
At the weekend (Friday 00:00 - Sunday 23:59).. More
I started trading forex before realizing its haram, now that I've realized is it permissible for me to withdraw my money and use it elsewhere given its lesser than the one i deposited at the begining?
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I have a question related to the facility given by Banks:
1. I am working for a Qatar Airways and CBQ bank has an offer for the employees of My company that if we open our salary account with CBQ, they would offer us a card known as Diners club card free of annual charges. Otherwise for other account holders they charge an annual.. More
Do i need permission to sell something in a place that is owned by someone (either public or private place) even though i dont see/know any rule in that place that prohibites someone doing transactions there?.
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asalakum alakumi am from non Islamic country . government is providing subsidy of 35% for unemployed youth to start up new business as financial assistance this amount has not pay to government back. total investment on business is 100 % out 35% is subsidy by govt and other remaining 65% is provided by banks on interest any unemployed youth who want.. More
Is car financing halal
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Assalamu Alaykum. Plz ans me directly asap. I have an saving account in an Islamic bank. They gave me a visa debit card so that i may withdraw cash (of my savings) from their own ATM booths. But their booths are a few. But with this visa card i may also withdraw cash from the near ATM booths of other traditional banks, but in that case a fixed amount.. More
Assalamwalaikum, My company has provided medical insurance as part of the benefits under my employment contract. Recently, my mother passed away and i had to travel on emergency to my home country from Qatar. I have been informed that the medical insurance covers expenses for travel (tickets) to home country during emergency. My question is whether.. More
Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Could you let me know what is the Islamic guideline on the balance between forgiveness and justice in a Business context, please?I work at a for-profit organization. Suppliers and business partners sometimes do not meet their commitment(for example do not deliver on agreed timelines), even when the.. More
Is Paper Currency formed by haram means: For running the budget of the country, Treasury gets money by issuing bonds to financial institutions eg: investment banks etc. and those bonds are paid earlier by the country's central bank on low interest rates by means of a cheaque issued without having balance in the account of the central bank but rather.. More
If we earn through advertisement through google but somehow intentionally violate Google's policies and terms in a way that Google does not know about it, will that earning be halal? I am talking about a minor violation of terms like, for example, Google does not want us to advertise directly to the affiliate link; we should first make a landing page,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum Shaykh. A forex broker gives a 100%, 50%, and 20% bonus every time I deposit into my forex account. The percentages vary according to the promotion time. These bonuses are only given to me for trading but I cannot withdraw these bonuses that are given. Is it permissible for me to trade with this bonus money? If it is not, I could ask.. More
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