What is the ruling on working as a food safety specialist in hotels that serve foreign tourists or serve alcohol, knowing that there is no direct contact with tourists or serving alcohol, but I may be responsible for its safety and room hygiene... More
I recently applied for job in company that creates payment systems like online payment and payment devices ( like in supermarket and restaurants) and apple pay integration (mostly all halal IT work), but the company that i will be working for, majority of the stakes are owned by a riba bank. So the company i will be working on doesn't do anything riba.. More
As a technician is it permissible to work in a shop that sometimes ordered by a bank,temple,hotel to install,fixing,implementing computersystem/cctv/electrical/if it's halal what about if the person is the Business owner is it permissible for him to take those order?JazakallahKhairan.. More
If I have a Halal business with haraam income, will the profits made by the business be halal for me or no? Can I just give the amount that I used to start the business in charity to make my business profits halal?.. More
I have worked in a grocery store that sells halal and haram items like pork. I worked there as a cashier for 2 months. After leaving my job, I used almost 70% of my earnings to buy a laptop to help me in my schoolwork. The remaining income is now mixed with my other work, which is halal. I want to know that if my income was haram? Because I have heard.. More
Salam.My friends and I have decided to start a business and we have formed a company. One important aspect of the business is that when we get a client which would be another business, we send them a contract that they should sign which stipulates the terms of use working together.The problem that I have, is that this contract which we send to them,.. More
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuI hope you all are in the best forms and health InshaAllah. I have a question regarding a job opportunity, I want to know if this position is halal or haram in islam? So, the position is Finance and Customer Service Co-ordinator in the company. The company manufacturers and sells and do maintenance of the.. More
After working with a company for 3 weeks, I discovered that it was cheating on the work, by using a trick to raise certain quantities to make it seem like the task was successfully completed.At this time I was not involved in the cheating part. I was doing maintenance work, carrying things, and installing pipes, but after 7 weeks my boss began to involve.. More
I got accepted by an IT company. My work is very much halal on the outside. the thing is, my company clients are mostly consist of company who practice usury, and we handle or second handedly facilitating the usury bill / loan / interest.. should i quit my jobjQuery111006757509747675657_1695390198189? i’m so sad knowing this fact after i join the.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,I am in financial auditing profession, my work does not require me record any transaction, approve or witness that is riba based, however during the course of audit I regularly come across riba based account balances such as loans and leases etc. As an auditor often I need to calculate and verify the accuracy of the loan balances and.. More
Assalam Walaikum brothers and sisters,From today I got a job and I signed a contract and now I can't leave that job. The thing is I'm working for logistic company which is a parent company and I'm getting salary direct from them. But they take various 3rd party client and one client is doing work which is forbidden in Islam. So I want to know can I.. More
Assalamu AlaikumAm I sinful if I see alcohol in the Shop I often work it and don’t throw it away so I mean if it is for example your boss and he is a Muslim and buys and keeps Alcohol because a friend of his wants him to buy it and store it, tho (the boss) doesn’t drink but just buys it and keeps it for a friend to pick it up and If I throw it away.. More
I am working as a freelancer on a website, everything on that website is completely halal. But my non muslim client buy me a domain from his credit card and i am working on that domain to make the website. So working on that domain is halal for me? Or it is not permissible for me to use because it is purchased on credit card ?
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Assalamu Alaikum sir,I'm working as a customer care executive in garment manufacturing company,it's a work from home based job,my work is to call wholesalers and retailers,motivate them to buy our product and send them link of catalogs on whatsapp,but in their link some clothes are good but some have animated characters,logos,and in kid's wear, they.. More
I am a practicing muslim. I am a privet tutor. I teach students at their home. I usually teach mathematics. I have a student of class 8. And in class 8's math text book there is chapter of interest( which is based on calculating riba, profit percentage etc.). Is it permissible for me to teach this chapter to my student? If not then how should i continue.. More