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Assalamo alaikumMany woman wear a small hair tie to keep their hair together when at home. Can woman keep it on during wiping hair in wudu, keep in mind that the small hair tie is usually situated on the the head not below the neck.Jazak Allah khair
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Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakhatuhu.I ask this question on behalf of my sister who has dryness upon her hands and in-between her toes almost like Eczema but it's not Eczema. Because of this her wudu is very painful and any contact with water makes her skin even dryer and it begins to peel and bleed. I advised her to wash her feet for fajr.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, as I have severe hairfall, I have started application of Vit E oil, 1 thick tsp of oil extracted from 3 broken Vit E capsules. I apply it both on the scalp and a bit of hairnear it and it's like thick gel in texture. I have been asked to apply it overnight and rinse in the morning, preferably without shampoo. Will this application.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I ordered a pair of Khuff (leather socks for wiping over during ablution), and there is a small problem with them. The problem is that they do not close properly at my ankle. My ankle is partially visible from above when I look down at my Khuff. I could easily stick a few fingers inside the Khuff through the part above my ankle. Is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If someone has a wound, are they obligated to try and wrap that wound and wipe over it while performing ablution and Ghusl (ritual bath)? Or is it ok for them to perform Tayammum (dry ablution) regardless of whether or not they could wrap the wound? If it is obligatory to try and wrap the wound before performing Tayammum, are the.. More
If I want to wipe over my socks for ablution and I do not remember whether I have taken them off and then put them back on, should I take my socks off and perform ablution to be on the safe side, or should I apply the rule that says that 'doubt does not break certainty'? And if we are allowed to apply this rule, what do we apply it to, and how do we.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible for someone who often has drops of urine coming out after the ablution to then wipe over their socks and keep them on without removing them until the next ablution and wipe over them even if during the previous ablution, a drop of urine came out? I am asking this question because I used to wipe over them normally,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have now been working in Saudi Arabia for the past three years, but I noticed a major difference of opinion between people in performing ablution. The natives (Arab community) perform ablution on their socks (masah) by citing that there exists a fatwa for such act. However, most of the Asian people (India, Pakistan) do not agree.. More
Some of the contemporary scholars, including Al-Albani, may Allaah have mercy upon him, hold the view that wiping over splints is impermissible because the relevant Hadeeth is weak. They say that Tayammum (dry ablution) must be used with a splint after Wudhoo’ (ablution), and the splint is not to be wiped with water. What is the preponderant opinion?.. More
Assalam alaykum, if omeone made mistakes and offered some fard salah without having wiped correctly over the socks, is the salah valid or she has to make them up? the mistake made was that the person was ignorant at that time that one must have had wudu when one put on the socks to be able to wipe over it in ablution. also, the person isnt really sure.. More
A person was traveling and he wiped over his socks. Two days later he returned home at the time of the Maghrib prayer while wiping was still valid. Should he perform the prayer with the wiping of travel or should he wipe anew? May Allaah Reward you.
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Is it permissible to wipe over the shoes during Wudhoo’ (ablution) in the workplace, knowing that I work in a foreign company and I am cautious because there is impurity “on the ground” where I work. I also go out of my home after performing Wudhoo’. Or do I have to wash my feet and wiping over the shoes is not allowed?
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Does ablution become invalid upon removing the Khuff (leather socks) or socks during the validity period for wiping over them, or should only the feet be washed? .. More
assalamu 'alaykum 1) a person wears socks after doing wudu (in which they washed the feet) and later on wudu broke, so they did the wudu again (this time wiping ove the socks, not washing feet), this is permissible for them to do, in sha Allaah. However, if u took the socks off (AFTER doing the wudu in which u WIPED over the socks, not washed the feet),.. More
I was wearing socks believing that they covered all my feet. I was surprised, after finishing prayer, to find that there was a hole in my sock the size of a fingerprint. My question is, were those prayers valid? Should I make up for them?
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