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Assalamu Alaikum, as I have severe hairfall, I have started application of Vit E oil, 1 thick tsp of oil extracted from 3 broken Vit E capsules. I apply it both on the scalp and a bit of hairnear it and it's like thick gel in texture. I have been asked to apply it overnight and rinse in the morning, preferably without shampoo. Will this application.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I ordered a pair of Khuff (leather socks for wiping over during ablution), and there is a small problem with them. The problem is that they do not close properly at my ankle. My ankle is partially visible from above when I look down at my Khuff. I could easily stick a few fingers inside the Khuff through the part above my ankle. Is.. More
Is it permissible to wipe over the shoes during Wudhoo’ (ablution) in the workplace, knowing that I work in a foreign company and I am cautious because there is impurity “on the ground” where I work. I also go out of my home after performing Wudhoo’. Or do I have to wash my feet and wiping over the shoes is not allowed?
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Al salam 3alaykom wa ra7mat ALLAH wa barakatuh 3eebadALLAH. Which is better, taking off the socks and making wudu2 everytime my wudu2 is invalid, or its better to wipe over the socks if i wore them on wudu2? Why am I asking? Because wiping over the socks is from the forgotten sunan and in this way I am reviving a sunnah and second because whenever.. More
After wudua and then i wear a socks is it ture that you can leave it for 3 days. and if it is ture why doesnt nail polish have the same law?.. More
I know about wiping over socks and Khuffs, but I would like to know if it is permissible to wipe our shoes during Wudu when we are at work or traveling and we are performing Wudu in public bathrooms?.. More
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