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773 fatwas

  • Going to a gym which contains mixing and music

    Salamu Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I have already read that it is not allowed for a Muslim to go the gym where it contains freemixing and music. My Situation is that my contract in the gym still has to be payed for more than a half year on monthly basis and I am not able to cancel it. Is it possible for me to visit the gym in the morning hours.. More

  • Determining the reward of the woman’s prayer inside her home is bound to Sharee‘ah texts

    Would a woman attain the twenty-seven fold reward if she offered the prayer inside her home like the case of men who offer prayers in the mosque?.. More

  • She needs to study alone in Europe without a Mahram

    As-salamu 3laikum, My question is about travelling without a mahram. I was living in a place in Africa where there were a lot of Muslims. I reverted to Islam there. Many there followed Sufi practices and had other views which I felt uncomfortable with. Due to another issue, I returned to my country in Europe with the intention of completing my studies.. More

  • A Muslim woman moving to a country that bans Niqaab

    assalamou alaikom wa rahmat ALLAH wa barketouh sheikh,I have a question and it's been a while that i m looking for an answer for it ,hope you could give me some advice.I was engaged a while ago and im getting long with my fiance al hamdouliELLEH.the problem is that he is living in france so if we get married w'll have to(i ll have to )move there .At.. More

  • She is married and needs to work to help her parents and siblings

    Assalamualaikum, Is there any permission for a wife if she want to do a job only for helping is father family or her mother or brother sister? he has her husband, father in law & mother in law . her husband is the only son of his father & mother & not earn a lot of money that he can help his mother in law rather he has his old mother &.. More

  • His wife took off Niqaab for breathing difficulty

    Alhamdulilaah my wife is pregnant and since then she has trouble breathing through the we discussed this & she asked me to ask someone of knowledge if she can take it off,she didnt want to hear from what i already know of the matter nor did she want to even hear any options that i wanted to suggest e.g finding better quality material and.. More

  • She wants to wear Niqaab but her husband wants her to wait

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh. I want to wear niqab for the sake of Allah subhannahu wa tala, as I believe from the many evidences that covering the face is an obligation upon a muslim women. Alhamdulillah I wear Izdell, gloves and my feet are always covered ( when I leave the home ).. but one thing and one major thing left out is.. More

  • She suffers from multiple sclerosis and cannot wear Hijab or fast

    Al-salamu aleikum, I'm a girl ill, with the Multple sclerosis, and I have problems with wearing the hijab. My neurologist asked me to take off the hijab but she isn't muslim, in Morocco my aunt have a problems similar to me and her muslim doctor asked her to take off hijab because she have to stay relaxed and not to feel ill. Now I would like.. More

  • Removing Niqaab in a non-Muslim country

    Asalamu'calykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 3 weeks ago i made a promise to Allah that I would start with Niqab and I did the reason I made that promise was because I was felling that I was going to die and now i where Niqab Alhamdulillah but I don't fell ready yet and I live in a kafir country. so my question is can i stop wearing the Niqab and.. More

  • Ruling on wearing Hijab in spite of hating it

    I recently came to know a Hadeeth stating the ten nullifications of Islam. These nullifications include hating the Sharee‘ah of Allaah The Almighty even if one complies with it. I found that this one applies to me because I wore Hijaab ten months ago but I am not pleased with it. I hate it and force myself to obey the Commands of Allaah The Almighty... More

  • Impermissible to help a woman travel without a Mahram

    Asalaam alykum, I understand that it's impermissible for a female to travel by herself, is there an age exception for this? Also if I helped my sister who is not married by taking her to the airport does that mean I'm responsible as well? Please answer me ASAP May Allah reward you for all your efforts .. More

  • Beware of this woman; don’t follow the steps of Satan

    Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu I have a question/situation I need some help with. So in few weeks i will be taking a chemistry course in our local college which is at night and ends at night( 11pm) and it is too late to change classes, college is co-ed. So i know this one woman ( a bit older than me, i am around 18 and she is like.. More

  • Her parents want her to work in a mixed environment

    Assalamalaikum, I am an unmarried girl who has just completed studies & taken up a job to support my family financially. In my workplace, I have men working around me with whom I need to interact but its purely work related.No free mixing, joking, chatting etc..The workplace is decent with no haram nature of work involved, practising muslims.. More

  • She gets aroused during her period

    i get aroused around my period, and since i can't pray or fast during it i feel distanced from allah and weak. What do i do to decrease these urges and control myself? p.S. I am single... More

  • She quitted her high salary job to work in an Islamic environment

    I am in a situation to take a very quick decision about my job. Could you please reply asap to this Brother?? I am a professional degree holder and a HR professional who was getting 5 figure salary in UAE. Has around 7 yrs work experience. But after my divorce (2 yrs back), i quit my job and moved back to India. Though i am a God fearing girl right.. More