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I know in Islam we shouldn't assume muslims do bad things and rather think positively but one Muslim girl went out with her non-Muslim friend (also female) for her friend's 18th birthday to a bar and it seemed in the video that the Muslim girl had a drink now my question is, shod I not assume that what she is drinking is alcohol knowing that she is.. More
A woman in Paradise get her own house and properties. Example if a man can get a house his wife also get her own house?
Because we are rewarded saperatly right? Even though she is we are husband and wife we have different souls our deeds are different and we to one and another. So can I ask Allah to grand me a house in paradise.?
Please.. More
Assasalaamu alaykum Shaikh, to what extent is it right or wrong to tell women that they are dumb and cannot do what a man can do? Or to what extent is it right or wrong to tell a man not to cry like a woman or to insult men by telling them to sit in their home and wear bracelet while it is so demeaning? It is as if being a woman is a shameful thing... More
As-salaamu 3laikum, A while ago I read an article stating that the role of the man as the head of the household is analogous to the relationship between Allah and His servants. I know that some types of analogy are not the same as making a direct comparison with Allah subhanahu wa taala but what is the ruling in this case? Is there any basis for this.. More
Assalamu alaikum. My friend hates boys much saying they r superior. islam gvs them importance etc. How can i advice her in light of islam. She has much wrong guesses. She startd hating from childhood when she saw teachers giving priority to males. Even she says she wont marry anyone. She says u cant make me lyk boys nor remove my hate. i hope u could.. More
Assalamu Alaikum We are living in a time that the opponents of Islam spreading wrong information about the freedom of women in Islam. But I am amazed to notice that wherever in the world occures any communal problems, the Muslim women are abused and molested by the opposite community but the Muslims are rarely doing the same to the women of other.. More
It is recommended in Islam for men to marry virgin women. "Marry virgins for they have sweeter mouths, more productive wombs and are more pleased with less”. But for women it is recommended not to refuse a man because of their age and marital status (if he is already married) women even have got no right object if her husbands want to have more wives... More
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.
1) After me, I have not left any Fitnah (trial and affliction) more harmful to men than women." [Al-Bukhari). Isn't this Hadith degradin women's status?
2) I would like to ask of the most frequently.. More
Do women exist in Islamic history, who are educated as a Mufti and are allowed to make a Fatwa?.. More
I am married with a very smart lady who converted to Islam a year ago. She has done her master's in computer science when she was 17. She usually has many intelligent questions. Some of them I answer, the other I cannot because of my lack of Islamic knowledge. Recently, She has asked these questions below. Could you please answer them for us? 1) Is.. More
One of the group of people who will be in the shade of Allah's Arasy during Qiyamah is men who says no for the sake of Allah to a woman who invites them to adultery. Does this apply to women as well? I heard maybe not because women are easier to control their desires than men? Is this true?.. More
Why are there no recordings of women reciting Qur'an? And why do no women lead prayer in mosques, even in the U.S., where there may be a significant number of women? I am new to Islam, like many Americans, and am fascinated by the beauty and universality of its message.
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Is it to be considered that women are given their rightful place in Muslim societies now? What are the reasons that prove this?Why may it be argued that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) "triumphed over death"?.. More
I am currently a Masters student and all I am being taught is the superiority of men over women in Islam. I whole heartedly agree. Yet I have some questions which generally arise in our class. 1) Are men superior to women?2) Men and women are mentioned (individually) how many times in Qur'an?3) What should I say and what should be my response to such.. More
Are women equal to men in all affairs?
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