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Alsalam alykum, if me and my wife go to a camping trip at some place far where there is no one, does she still have to wear hijab or abya when she’s outside?.. More
If a muslma's face is spread through out social media like for an example a famous model or musician convert wants to wear niqab. Can she still wear niqab?
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Can I force my sister to put on hijab
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asylum alaikum I’m 16 in the United States I’ve been considering nijab but I will be attending the school I went to last year but i didn’t present myself propley as a Muslim will that effect me misrepresenting Islam if I wear it as many believe it’s fard and I don’t want any risk of riya as I will be the only nijabi will I be representing.. More
Can husband deny wife wearing a hijab? I didn't wore hijab before marriage, but he let me when I asked if it's OK. He gave me conditions that I won't look like a big bag, because I startted to cover myself modestly. He don't like it. He says I'm not attractive for him, and says that all my dutys for being a wife is not there. The intimate relation is.. More
Aselamualykum is it permissble for a woman to show her hands on youtube?
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Me and my husband lives in my brother's house for some reasons for a short period in which there are some arguments between my husband and my brother's wife regarding the dressing of my husband. After that we left his house and shifted to our house. Now as my brother's family is also shifted in that building and my brother's wife did not take hijab.. More
Assalumu Alaykum, I wanted to ask if the hijab can be tight under the chin, meaning is it ok if the fabric rests on the skin and does not flow from the face downwards.
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Is a father a dayooth if his daughter doesn't wear a hijab but he advised her to do so?
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What is the awrah of women in front of her mahram(brother, nephew etc)?
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهI heard that old women do not need to wear hijab?So can young men mix with them??
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Assalam walaykum, can I wear an abaya that has a sheer part in the bottom that I can wear a pair of loose pants underneath and it has shining gems/sequences on the end part of the sleeves and also above the sheer part. I dont have another abaya and I want a jilbaab but not only will my parents need to give it to the tailors but I haven't even bought.. More
Aslaam alaikum shaikh,Should I visit my paternal and maternal aunts, because when I visit them my cousin brother's wives and my cousin sisters do not observe proper hijab and they come in front of me quite freely although neither do I talk to them nor do I look at them. So does it becomes impermissible for me to visit them and my other relatives and.. More
I sent my daughter abroad to a Western country recently, but I found she is facing so many stereotypes about her hijab and is really struggling and asked me if I think taking off hijab is a good idea. And she asks this not because she doubts her religion, but because she understands the importance of both hijab and education but social forces in the.. More
Is it okay to cover your head in a way nuns do
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