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1012 fatwas

  • Her husband wants half of her income to spend it on his second wife

    please help as Iam worried, I am married since 10 years I had three children my husband had affair with other woman before he got married to me and as soon as he got married to me he did a second marriage within three months as they were in relation ship already. I came to know when I was 7months pregnant with baby boy. I just prayed to God and did.. More

  • She helped her husband build a house and his second wife wants to take it

    In Islam can a spouse (husband) in his life time pay back to his first wife what she has contributed financially to building their estate now that he has a second wife. The second wife has openly and maliciously manifested her desire to take the estate since the first wife has one daughter whilst the second has two sons? Please note that when the husband.. More

  • Why a Muslim is allowed to have a maximum of four wives

    Why the number of wives allowed to Muslim men is restricted to 4 not more or less? .. More

  • He ran away from first wife and lied to the second

    Assalamu alaikum, I am two times married man with two children with two different wives. I ran away from my first wife and married to another lying about divorce and first baby. now my first wife is in court with cases and another wife know the truth. she literally hate me now for my behavior and language i use for her for all i had done for her. i.. More

  • Engaged to his cousin but wants to marry a Christian woman willing to convert

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I am a Muslim dentist. I got a job in Saudi Arabia as a dentist and migrated here. I got engaged to my cousin(my father's sister's daughter) whose parents had been pursuing me for almost a year. I am supposed to get married to this girl after 3 months. All my life, I have seen her as my sister and I could.. More

  • Marrying a Hindu girl who believes in Islam but will not embrace it

    I want to marry a girl who is hindu. She believes that GOD is one & prophet muhammad is GOD'S messenger. She says, in english we say GOD,HINDI BHAGWAN & in arabic allah, but all means same so after marriage if i say bhagwan like if getting hurt, human tendency then that should not be wrong. She even says that if you want gawahi then i am ready.. More

  • A married woman loves a young man she met in a chat room

    Assalaamu alaikum, I' am 25 years old and happily married to a Student of Knowledge, Haafidh al Quran - all praise is due to Allah! Everything I learned in the last 6 years of my marriage is after Allaahs will, due my husbands help. I could never imagine to live without him. For me I give lectures in the mosques in Quraan, Fiqh, Aqidah. Sisters.. More

  • Long separation of spouses does not entail divorce

    i dont have any relation of my second wife which is forced marriage by my parents mu parents pay her monthly.but from 2 years i m abroad and no phone talk and no parents bound me with her heavy huq mehr just that is the cause that is why i cannot divorce she threat on that i m quiet.but i heve my first wife with two how long the.. More

  • Health problem preventing marriage does not permit Zina

    I'm a 29-year-old male with a severe chronic psychological condition that prevents me from bonding with people. In 29 years I haven't even been able to make male friends, let alone getting married. Because of my inability to bond with others, I honestly don't think I'll ever get married, even though I have a strong desire to do so. This has negative.. More

  • Supplicate Allaah to find a good wife

    Assalam-u-Alaikum, Hope you well. I just wanted to ask im looking to get married & im in my late 20's, few months ago i met this girl thru family & we talked for the last few months but not all the time, we did like each other & i agreed to marry her & but she woundnt make up her mind & told me she was confused & woundnt.. More

  • Ask Allaah to bless you with a good Muslim wife

    i was an ethist before and i commited zina. I repent now about my past and pray allah everyday to forgive me and that girl. I always thought i am going to marry her but due to family issues we are parted. Even now i want to marry her but she is not interested as i left her in the midway. She also repent for what she did with me. I am trying to convenve.. More

  • Religion of Muslim suitor's parents is irrelevant


  • Wants to marry a girl who will not marry until she finishes her studies

    I wanted to marry a girl but since she is studying their parents told they will allow her to marry only after 1.5 years (i.e after her degree finishes) but i cannot control my sexual desires,i also make saum on mondays and thursdays(whichever possible) but even then i cant control so i am maturbating many times a week and i want to put an end.. More

  • He loves another woman other than his wife

    Assalam alaykum, I am married with 3 kids. I felt in love and we came close without any sexual intercourse in the relation. To make things in a right accepted way I decided to take her as my second wife. I have asked her parents and my parents who with difficult agreed and made us responsible for whatever desicion i take. The only issue is that.. More

  • Her husband does not give enough time to her and wants to marry another wife

    Assalamualaikum,I’m a 34yrs married indian our 12 yrs married life we have 3kids,10,7and6 yrs husband indian wants to marry a virgin Pakistani girl of age30.b’cos I’m not giving him time,busy in children and home..and in other matters he only said that I fulfill his every need,whether its sexual or social.i take care him.. More