How do I explain to some people that eating non-Halal meat in a foreign country is Haram? A friend's argument is that the Qur'an did not mention that you have to mention Allah's name during slaughter in the Qur'an, but just you have to mention Allah's name. I referred your question number 17350 to him, but the translation of the Qur'an is not the direct.. More
I am 20 years old; all my friends are Western. Is it lawful to go out with them while they are drinking alcohol? .. More
I would like to know if there is some numbers as: 472 A, and other numbers used in the food production are Haram to eat or not. .. More
Can I eat the snake?.. More
If the birthday food is Halal and someone has just completed her Iddah can we eat the food that she gave as a form of celebrating it? .. More
Some Muslims claim that not all Halal food sold as Halal is actually Halal and not all food sold as vegetarian is actually vegetarian. Is this true? Also what happens if we do consume something Haram unknowingly, which is being passed off as Halal, is there any sin on us? .. More
Concerning prohibited meat. Is duck meat even Makruh? How can we distinguish Halal and Haram meat or food? Like let's say a cat, dog, donkey, etc. Please throw some light on this subject, as I am not certain. .. More
I am an Arabic man but I now live in China to study, so I have a problem with eating. I cannot eat meat because is not (Halal), but I cannot find other meat to eat. I am so thin some friends say it possible to eat meat because you have not found other meat to eat and life is so difficult for Muslims. What can I do now to eat this meat? .. More
Why are music, pork and wine not Halal? Can I have photo of my family and friends? .. More
A Muslim brother works as a chef in a restaurant in England and he cooks food with sauces made with red wine. He said that wine is already vaporized; there is no alcohol left in the wine. Is he allowed by Islamic Sharia to have that kind of job (a cook chef) as a Muslim? .. More
Hanafis forbid 7 parts of meat is there any proof from Hadith for example, the blood, the penis, the reticules... More
I ate some pizza that had Haram meat. I didn't know it until a friend told me the next day and I saw the bill. What can I do now?.. More
Is eating of rabbit prohibited?.. More
Can you buy fries from a non-Muslim, who sell Haram things like sausages? However, I asked them if the fries touched these and they said no. Can we trust them and buy fries from them, as there isn't a Muslim chip shop near us? .. More
What do you say about animal by-products business according to Al-Qur'an? I am doing animal products business. I would like know about business in (Animal by-products), including all parts of Halal animals. Some medicine companies use animal by-products for dog food and Haram animal like natural casings. Western people like use beef guts used in pork.. More
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