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Salaam ‘Alaykum.There is a conference which some of the Mashaaykh of the Sunnah are going to attend. However, the organisers of this conference are from the people of bida’ (innovations). So is it permissible for us to attend and benefit from those Mashaaykh? Bearing in mind that we do not have any scholars in our area and surrounding areas, we.. More
Assalam u alaikum.I am slightly confused on the matter of difference of opinion amongst scholars. Why is it that most of the times whenever there is difference of opinion,one group often labels doing that act as biddah ?e.g wiping face after dua is deemed permissible by one group but innovation by the other.Also wiping neck in wudu is deemed permissible.. More
Salaam. My grandpa established a madrasa in my village. Every year, the madrasa arranges a prize-giving ceremony in honor of the students' results, and they have a program for it. Many Islamic speakers also come and give speeches. The madrasa also arranges a feast in this occasion, and they buy and sacrifice a cow to arrange dinner for the guests. Is.. More
assalamu alikum you have quoted the fatwa of Imaam maalik in Fatwa No : 25513 that Imaam Maalik was reported to have said that whoever invents a new thing in religion and claims it to be good is in fact accusing Muhammad , of betraying the Message (of Islam). He mentioned as evidence of this the Saying of Allaah the Almighty (that means): {This day.. More
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, I have already asked this question once, but only got a number of fatwas to other questions back, which did not answer my question sufficiently, and also I do not understand fatwa 19998, so I ask my question again: In a book by Dr. Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha he quotes Al-Fudail b. 'Iyaad, may Allah have mercy on.. More
Is it permissible for us, the ordinary people of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa‘ah, to adopt some of the juristic opinions of Mubtadi‘ah schools who disagree with the opinions of our school, knowing that these opinions are issued by scholars whom we do not consider to be disbelievers, and some of us even revere them... More
Is it permissible to sit with innovators in religion for the purpose of Da‘wah, especially the Sufis who have increased in number and fight the people who hold sound creed?.. More
What is the stance of Ahlus-Sunnah towards Ahlul-Bida‘ Wal-Ahwaa’ (the heretical innovators and followers of personal desires)? If someone joins a certain group, is he considered a disbelieving innovator because of the religious innovations perpetrated by some of these groups?.. More
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday) celebrations and what did Imaam Maalik say about those who celebrate this?.. More
What is the ruling on a layman who debates an apostate and sinners during gatherings and among a group of people? I have heard that malicious allegations should be refuted if they are brought up in a congregation... More
Is it permissible to celebrate one’s birthday for the sake of self-reckoning and recalling one’s deeds throughout that past year; not for the sake of imitating disbelievers?.. More
Assalamu alaikum.My friend made the following statement when I said Mawlid is Bidaat."Many scholars of the past including the likes of Nawawi/Suyuti/Ibn Kathir etc and others have I am told opined in favour of Mawlid. It is best not to make categorical statements about things which pious scholars of past has had a difference of Opinion. I was a staunch.. More
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