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Salaam ‘Alaykum.There is a conference which some of the Mashaaykh of the Sunnah are going to attend. However, the organisers of this conference are from the people of bida’ (innovations). So is it permissible for us to attend and benefit from those Mashaaykh? Bearing in mind that we do not have any scholars in our area and surrounding areas, we.. More
Assalamu alaikum
How to give dawah to innovators? What to tell them to follow only Quran and Sunnah? Because when I tell them the right Sunnah way they refuse and fight... More
Assalam u alaikum.I am slightly confused on the matter of difference of opinion amongst scholars. Why is it that most of the times whenever there is difference of opinion,one group often labels doing that act as biddah ?e.g wiping face after dua is deemed permissible by one group but innovation by the other.Also wiping neck in wudu is deemed permissible.. More
When I am not joining for Moulood he asks what is the reason for not joining and where is the proof?
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ASSALAAMU ALAIKUM Sheikh, is there any significance or evidence in the hadith seeking blessing from the Sandals of our Prophet or image of the sandals of our Prophet. They give reference of Hadiths such as that Ibn Masud would hold the sandals for the Prophet when he took them off and hold them under his arms, while after his death(?) Sayyidna Anas.. More
Zaid ask a question to a one mufti that one person says that Its allowed to Says kafir all Bidati muslim so Mufti replied that Its allowed.So what is the Rul of Shariah on that mufti
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Salaam. My grandpa established a madrasa in my village. Every year, the madrasa arranges a prize-giving ceremony in honor of the students' results, and they have a program for it. Many Islamic speakers also come and give speeches. The madrasa also arranges a feast in this occasion, and they buy and sacrifice a cow to arrange dinner for the guests. Is.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. People in our country are used to give a flipflop pendant of ProphetMuhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,made of gold and silver. Is it permissible in Islam to wear shoe-shaped jewelry of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam?And why do people wear this shoe-shaped jewelry? Is this not Bida' (innovation)? And what benefits.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Brother. We do not celebrate birthdays, but on special occasions such as these, my mother's constant advice is to pray two units of voluntary prayer and/or read Surah Yaseen and make special supplications to Allaah. I do not know whether this is an innovation or not because after all, she is just asking.. More
In our local mosques, people bring bottles of water on the day of the completion of the full Quran (khatam) in taraweeh in Ramadan. After the prayer, when the full quran recitation is completed, the haafiz (memorizer of the Quran) blows on the bottles of water. Then people take those bottles home and drink the water with the intention of healing from.. More
One of my friend quoted the following verse of Quran-Chapter Yunus Verse no. 57 and 58 for Muhammad SAWS as Rehmat (mercy) and thereupon rejoice(celebrate) as an evidence from Quran for celebrating the Birthday of Prophet SAWS. Please clarify as some scholars say Rehmat(mercy) mention in verse refers to Quran/Islam but he says it refers to Prophet Muhammad.. More
Assalamu alaykum, Sufi scholars who justify celebrating milad, congregational dua after every prayer etc. as good Bidah justify that it is permissible to do bidah hasanah as there are evidences from ahadith. The folowing are the evidences they give. (1) Bukhari and Muslim relate from Abu Hurayra (Allah be well pleased with him) that at the dawn prayer.. More
assalamu alikum you have quoted the fatwa of Imaam maalik in Fatwa No : 25513 that Imaam Maalik was reported to have said that whoever invents a new thing in religion and claims it to be good is in fact accusing Muhammad , of betraying the Message (of Islam). He mentioned as evidence of this the Saying of Allaah the Almighty (that means): {This day.. More
Assalaam alaikum, question is regarding bidah The people of innovation question us, Why do you forbid us to recite the salaat before adhaan saying it is bidah but you yourself keep reciting dua everytime after the name of sahabee Saying May Allaah be pleased with him specifically when this was not known during the time of prophet or the time of sahabah... More
We are four friends who have recently become religiously committed. However, we are quickly overtaken by slackness though we are considered religious men in spite of seeing ourselves as extremely negligent. Taking into consideration that we do not have a mentor Shaykh to teach and follow up on us. As a way of punishing ourselves, we agreed to pay a.. More
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