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Assalaamu alaykum. I was wondering why is Ad-Dajjaal called the Antichrist? Shouldn't he be called Anti-Mohammed (phub)?
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Shaikh, I have read the following in fatwa no. 82413:
Imam Ahmad narrated that the Prophet said, "Shortly before the Last Hour, people will greet only known persons, trade will be well spread till the woman helps her husband in trading, kin relations will be cut off, false witness will prevail, hiding the truth, and the spread of using the pen."
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is there any hadith that indicates that Europeans will convert to Islam near the End of Time?
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Assalaamu alaykum. It is known from hadiths that before the end of time, good deeds will become too difficult to perform for the Muslims. Please explain this to me. Will the muslims not feel like doing good deeds or will there be too many obstacles on their way?
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Asalam o Alaikum!!! Do pious people die early or Allah calls them early? As this is said by people at the time of anyone's death that Allah calls his pious people early.. I think they say this to mean that Allah doesn't want to them to commit sins in a longer life. Is it right to say this?
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Aslamualakaum there is a hadith in muslims that says that towards the end of time, whips will talk, can you please explain this. i seen somone linking it to phones, but can you please expalin
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What is the meaning of the following Hadeeth in which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Amongst the signs of the Hour are clearly seeing the crescent without sighting, people’s treating the mosques as passages, and the occurrence of sudden death.”.. More
assalam aleikum shekh is it true that one of the sighns of the day of judjement is that one man will marry 40 or 50 wives jazakallah
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Is there a Hadeeth about the so-called As-Sufyaani, who is one of the end of time's Fitnahs (trials), and who will destroy (the state of) Israel?.. More
I saw a woman on television claiming that she is pregnant and carrying the Mahdi; is she telling the truth?.. More
I recently read a book that talks about the end of Israel and the world. I want to know the authenticity of the information mentioned in this book... More
Black banners were mentioned in more than one Hadeeth. Who will be carrying these banners? When will they appear? What will their holders’ beliefs be and what will they do? .. More
Is there a Hadeeth about the existence of a mountain of gold in Iraq? .. More
How will it be that the Mahdi will emerge during a time of famine and shortage of plants and that his victories would then prevail over a great part of the world?
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I heard some people say that the Mahdi has already been born. Is this true? Given the international status quo, when will he appear and be given the pledge of allegiance between Maqaam Ibraaheem (the station of Abraham) and the Black Stone in Makkah?.. More
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